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I know I have to talk to Ava about something do you understand how hard it is to talk to my 13 year old daughter? It is hard that's why Spencer does for me. I was sitting in the living room talking with Katie when all i could hear is screaming Ava finally walked out without her phone thank God she needed a break in that thing anyway good going Spencer. Ava is not like how I was when 13 I was a sweet innocent child somewhat except the next year I got cancer but hey.

Ava POV: dad took my phone because I was mad at Mom because we got into a small argument about something just doesn't make sense being 13 sucks. I guarantee you I am nothing like how my mom was when she was 13 I feel like I'm more like my dad Smart not independent and thinks I know everything when obviously I don't. For some reason mom doesn't even like to talk to me she likes to avoid the situation instead of actually helping me like last week when I had trouble with kids she didn't help me. I had dad to help me that was something else not good not good. Mom is 31 she can do stuff herself she's been on her own since she was eighteen she's been an adult since she can do stuff herself.

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