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Liana held two shirts up to Dominic; the man she was styling. "Which one you like better?" She asked. He looked at both shirts for a second then pointed to the red and black shirt with the Laugh Now Cry Later logo on it. Liana nodded her head. "That's the one I was going to choose."

Dominic smiled at her. "Is that right?"

She nodded her head. "Yep, great minds think alike."

"Well right now, I'm thinking I'm very blessed to have such a beautiful stylist. What do you think?"

Her cheeks blushed red and she was left speechless. It's been a while since she had any male attention. It has been even longer since she flirted with a man that wasn't Chris. Even though it felt weird, she had to admit it was a good feeling. "I think you're very lucky too." She flirted back, cheesing hard. She found him very attractive and his body was fit.

"Am I lucky enough to take you out to eat tonight? Or is my luck running out?"

"Um..." Liana chuckled as she thought about it for a second. She took the shirt he didn't want and put it back on the rack. Dominic frowned at her silence and he suddenly felt rejected. "Yes." Liana mumbled quietly.

"Yes what?" He asked, confused.

"You can take me out." Liana said, shrugging her shoulders. Why not? Technically I'm single she thought to herself. Dominic handed Liana his phone so she could put her number in.

"I'll text you the restaurant address at eight." She nodded her head, then Dominic gave her the money for the shirt and left out the store.

"I got a dateee! I got a dateee!" Liana cheered to herself.

"With who?" Asked Monie, Liana's co-worker.

"One of my clients."

"He must be fine by the way you're smiling." Monie laughed. Liana tried to cover her face with her hand. She couldn't help how happy she was. She didn't even understand why she was happy. She knew dating would cause problems between her and Chris, but he wasn't getting his shit together fast enough and quite frankly she was tired of waiting for him.

"Girl he sexy as fuck."

"When is your date?"

"Eight tonight."

"We'll it's six already. Your shift isn't over until another half hour. It's going to take longer than an hour for you to get ready so go home now. I'll cover for you." Monie offered.

Liana hesitated for a moment. "I don't know..."

"Girl, go ahead." Monie reassured. "You know you want to." Monie was a nice girl, but Liana seemed to have the worst luck when it came down to female friends. Monie was cool and all, but Liana just didn't trust her.

Liana gave in, giving her a hug. "Thanks a lot hun." She gathered her things and smiled at Monie before leaving the store.


Liana looked at her face in her pocket mirror, making sure her make-up and hair was in place. She had got there before Dominic which was bad because she spent the extra time she had being a nervous wreck. Was her make-up okay? Did she dress up enough? Will he like her? were all thoughts running through Liana's head.

"You look stunning." Dominic complimented.

Liana looked up and smiled. "Thank you handsome." As he took his seat, the waiter came over and took their orders. Liana wanted to order the whole menu because everything looked so good, but she stopped herself and settled with the shrimp salad and a side of fries. Dominic ordered the same. "Copy cat." Liana teased.

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