Part Thirty-One: Redemption & Revenge

Start from the beginning

"No, I'm good." You shrugged, stepping into the shower while Harry grumbled, still hard and desperate for you.

You managed to have a shower with him that stayed P.G, which was a shock to you but he was sulking the whole time. You almost felt bad for him.

Harry got dressed and packed up his things, sad to be leaving you but it was a work trip and had to happen. He delved through his bag and found you sat at the bench in your kitchen with a steaming tea and a worn book. He smiled at the second mug that you had prepared for him.

"My sweet girl," He got your attention peeled away from your book and sat next to you. "I have something for you."

"You do?" That piqued your interest.

"Mhm. Although I'm not sure if you deserve it after this morning..." He teased. You both knew he was happy to do whatever you wanted and he actually found it hot. Frustrating, but really fucking hot.

You pouted at his remark and he reassured you with a soft laugh and an even softer kiss on the lips.

His hand gripped around the small velvet box, nervous about how you'd react to it.

Would you accept it? Appreciate it and its meaning? Accept him?

He took a deep breath and placed the box on the countertop in front of you, watching your face as your brows rose in surprise.

"You don't need to get me anything." You said, overwhelmed.

"I had to do this. So that you'll always have me and our love with you."

"I don't need a gift for that-"

"Just open it."

And so you did. You picked up the box and gripped the lid, pulling it open and feeling all the air leave your lungs at what was nestled inside.

A tiny purple flower.

Pressed in glass and framed with delicate gold. The purple flower he'd slipped behind your ear when you'd been lounging in that meadow. You hadn't thought of its whereabouts until now.

"Found it in the car the day after the party. Tore me in half just looking at it. I just remember how beautiful that day was and knew I needed to preserve that for you, so wherever you are, you can look at it and remember."

"H, it's beautiful, this is so thoughtful." You pulled the gold chain from the box.

"Here." He stood and brushed your hair aside, clasping the delicate jewelry around your neck.

You admired it with a fluttering heart. "I really love you."

"I love you. Fuck, I fell so hard."

For the remainder of the morning, the two of you cuddled and tried very hard not to think about how you were about to be apart all week and how much it sucked.

You both drank steaming herbal teas and sat in your bed while a vinyl span on your record player in the corner. The crackling of it accompanied by mugs of tea and the patter of rain against the window was the ultimate cozy scene.

He was sure his week would be exhausting, studio sessions and interviews and meetings and appearances. You assured him he would have a great time and be too busy to think of anything else.

He kissed you goodbye a million times before he left, whining and begging you to just ditch work and leave with him. On his way to the airport, he knew you'd be the only thing on his mind for the whole week.

And he was right. He'd be doing an interview, answering repetitive questions that bored him while his brain flicked to how you looked riding him, or how lovely you tasted on his tongue. The fact that he hadn't fucked you in over a week was bad enough, now he had to go through another week without you at all.

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