A New Friend and Explanation

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~Ledger's POV~
I opened my eyes to the blinding light of the sun. It's day time again. I look to my right and down to see Jeff still sitting on his tree branch fast asleep. It's been about two weeks since Villicus saves us from that crazy doctor. Griffenstock I think his name was. I looked down at Jeff after untying my rope made of vines from around my waist.
"Hey! Jeff! Wake up!" I yelled.
"Ah! Oh! Oh shit hey- umm Morning." Jeff said, after startling awake.
"Yeah good fuckin Morning. Did that shit really happen about two weeks ago?" I asked, climbing down in front of him carefully.
"Uhh you mean Villicus taking that asshole who stole our shit and tried to take our memories to try and create Samson to his dimension or home planet to keep him prisoner? Yeah that happened. We should go check the snares we haven't eaten in about two days." Jeff said, untying his vines from his waist and looking at me after running a hand through his hair.
"Right." I responded, climbing down from the tree branch and walking off to check the snares. One rabbit in the first one.
"Score Jeff! We got a rabbit. That should be just a little over enough to feed one of us fully." I spoke, looking at Jeff.
"Yep! And we have some Squirrels!" Jeff exclaimed walking up adding a 7th squirrel to the vines he has around his neck.
"Good! We should head back to the fire and cook them." I spoke turning around, immediately seeing a girl with a bow and arrow pointed at us.
"One more step, And your dead." She spoke and a cold voice.
I put my hands up along with Jeff.
"Who are you?" Jeff asked.
"Damien. And you are?" She spoke.
"That's not really your name is it?" Jeff pushed.
I elbowed him.
The girl scoffed.
"If I were to shoot you in the dick would you care about my name then?" She asked, pointing the bow at Jeff.
Jeff laughed nervously, "N-No...."
"I'm Ledger and this is Jeff. We have been traveling from the snowed mountains out north for the past two weeks."
"You come from beyond those damned mountains? How do I know your not with Griffenstock?" She asked.
'She knew of him?' I thought.
"We dealt with him." Jeff spoke.
The girl sighed, putting the bow down, "You two don't have weapons and look harmless at least. I'm Xandia. And yes that's my actual name."
Xandia turned from us putting her arrow back into the quiver on her hip and slipped the bow over her head so the string was across her chest and unsheathed her sword, cutting down vines as she went. I ran after her.
"Ledger!" Jeff called out, following.
"You know of Griffenstock? How?" I asked.
"Griffenstock grabbed me from the grave and revived me. He wanted to preform experiments on humans, trying to give them power. I ran from him out of fear. He did manage to get someone else from the grave. He is probably long dead now."
"Samson." Jeff spoke.
She turned to us in fear, gulped and tried to mask her fear, "you know Samson? He was the worst of them all."
"I'm sorry them?" I asked, as she turned to continue in a direction.
"Griffenstock had other people to experiment on besides me and Samson. The others died. He was talking of giving me Ice abilities and Samson Fire. He succeeded with me but I didn't stick around to see if Samson got his." Xandia spoke, walking to a rivers and walking to it as if it weren't there. The water turned into ice as she walked, safely making it to the other side, me and Jeff running across to the other side.
"Cool, but why would he do that?" Jeff asked.
"Because he wanted to play god." Xandia responded, walking up to a very large house with a Farm and crop field.
By the large house was a barn which lead out into the crop field. In the other field there were multiple cows, pigs and sheep along with one singular white and grey horse. Chickens roamed out front of the house.
"I have a smoker where you two can cook those squirrels and that Rabbit. If you both can prove it to me within a week you can live with me. Until then you get everything yourselves. If I don't want you here you will leave." Xandia explained, opening the door to the house.
"Of course. We understand." I reassured as we walked in, Xandia closing the door behind her.
Xandia nodded, "Good. And don't be surprised if there is anything left over in the guest rooms. I house traveler's every now and then. Anything they left behind you can have."
"Oh! And umm I guess we should go ahead and say this. Umm Jeff is really really good with red stone and engineering stuff. I'm good with fighting and magic stuff. If you want we can help you with anything in those expertises." I spoke, with some hope she will let us stay.
Xandia looked at me and smirked. "Heh. Alright. Just hope you know your kinda on my good side. I was gonna be hunting Pixies but all of them were in that area where you two were. Y'all scared them off. That doesn't make you look good."
"When we get settled we could get them for you." Jeff offered.
"Ha! Trying to butter me up... I'd appreciate that guys." Xandia laughed, "So I gave you an explanation. Now you give me one. Who are y'all really?"
"Well for me that's a really really long story." I spoke.
Xandia walked over to a dining table and sat down, "We have the time. Sit down please."
We walked over to the table and sat down.
"Ok. So this is going to sound crazy but. Me. Myself. Me only. Am from the future. Where I came from Jeff and I were best friends. We had made a house near a village and after an incident that took place which I'd rather not explain we had to leave with nothing with us. We started out in another location far away which not too long after Samson tried to blow up our home. After a while the place got too small for us and we left to go and live in a castle we found. We had other encounters with Samson before he cornered us and made us fight him which then we found out he had fire powers. After we defeated him for the first time we went to go find somewhere new. Yet missiles came and destroyed everything so we had found rockets and traveled to the moon and back. When we got back all of our stuff but our food was gone. It was like someone had renewed the world." I explained.
"Like a New Eden?" Xandia asked.
"Yeah yeah! Like a New Eden. After a while we ran into someone else. Villicus. We thought he was evil but he turned out to be good. He transported the old Jeff to a new world, and soon I followed. I wouldn't stay there long because Villicus would send me, alone into the past to find out my past which I screwed up a few times. I thought I had to protect Samson but I had to protect the new Jeff from Samson because Samson was chasing him before he got to my home. I killed him on the third rewrite and me and that Jeff became friends. We made it to an ice biome where we began to live after Jeff got turned into a horse. Luckily and obviously we got him back to normal." I explained smiling at the end, happy to see that Xandia is hopefully becoming satisfied with the explanation.
"So after that I stupidly threw I fruit into the fire we found at an Alter which forced Samson to come back from the grave and we escaped him. We then had another encounter with him and killed him. Easily. Very easily because he didn't have powers yet. We eventually ran into Griffenstock. He had us make things for him to try and give Samson Powers but our friend Villicus stopped him. We are free to make our own fate now so we have been traveling for two weeks since. And of course we met you now." Jeff finished.
"Well... as insane as it is I believe you. I'm satisfied. Thanks for explaining this to me. You can help me hunt Pixies tomorrow. I'll give the grand tour tomorrow as well. Let's rest first. Follow me." Xandia spoke, getting up and walking to the stairwell and up to the second floor.
We got up and followed close behind.
"These are the two of the four guest rooms on this floor. There are 2 more guest rooms upstairs along with my room. My room is the one with the double red doors. You two can sleep on this floor and maybe I'll let you sleep on my floor in a week if you two can prove your worth here."
"Thanks Xan." Jeff thanked and walked into his room.
"No nicknames please." Xandia complained.
"Of course Xandia. Thanks for the hospitality. You are really kind." I thanked, bowing to her.
"Please please no bowing. It weird." Xandia laughed.
"Sorry." I apologized, smiling lightly.
"It's ok. Good night, Ledger."
"Good night, Xandia."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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