Chapter One

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Sophie Foster and her family walked silently down the narrow sand path. Her sister, Amy, had a fever so they had to go to the towns grocery store, which also had a pharmacy in it, to get some medicine for her.

Amy was seven years old. She had short brown hair and murky green eyes. Today she wore a long sleeve white shirt that couldn't be seen since she was also had on a green cotton coat and a pink striped scarf. 

Sophie was quite the opposite of her family. She had shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes, where her mom had curly, honey brown hair and the same murky green eyes as Amy. Her Dad also had brown hair and green eyes, though his eyes were brighter.

Today, Sophie wore her red coat, leggings, black gloves and her purple backpack.

The family walked into the grocery store in a single file line. The tile was cold against her bare feet. they weren't allowed to wear shoes as it made to much noise.

Amy and her Mom went to the back of the store where the pharmacy was. Amy sat on the ground and waited for her Mom to find the medicine.

Sophie went to go get some water for her sister and find food to bring back to the house. The floors were originally white, but dyed red from accidents that happened a long time ago.

A year ago, a new monster was born. It had hearing like nothing that has ever walked the planet. It could hear anything and everything. Their hearing is so high pitch that the noise hurts them if its a high frequency. The littlest noise sets up a meal, where ever they hear a noise they come running for it. From what Sophie had gathered they were blind and there were three in total.

finding the waters and picking one out, Sophie walked to the back of the store where her sister and mom were and opened the bottle with her sleeve, handing it over to Amy.

Amy looked a bit pale and she had told them her head was hurting for a couple of days.

Sophie looked up at her mom who held a clear orange tube of pills in her hand. 

"She'll be fine." Her Mom signed with her hands. Since using their voices would obviously be to loud, they had to learn and use sign language. It was struggle for Amy at first but they didn't have much else to do instead so Sophie would always help her learn it in her free time.

Sophie nodded and walked away again to find food. She found cans of soup, oranges, honey, yogurt, and muffins. She put them all in her backpack and started the head back when she noticed Amy in the other aisle, reaching for a plastic toy.

She saw it coming before it came.

The toy dropped to the ground and Sophie dove to catch it. She slide across the floor as the toy rushed to the floor, sure to make lots of noise. Catching it at the very last second, Sophie froze.

Did that make to much noise? Were they coming? If I die because this idiot wanted a toy... Sophie thought to herself. She waited another minute before taking a breath of relief.

Amy looked at her apologetically, guilt in her eyes as Sophie glared daggers at her. Them stopped immediately after another thought. Shes only seven... I would want a toy too if I were in this situation, She thought.

Sophie then gave her a soft smile and stood up ruffling her hair. "Be careful next time, okay?" Sophie signed.

Amy nodded and took her hand so they could leave after Sophie put the toy back on the self.

Once they were all outside, Sophie had an idea and went back outside the store, quickly grabbing the toy which was a gray rocket ship with blue and orange stripes on the side, red lights that were dull from not being turned on in the front and a plastic window above the lights.

Grinning, Sophie jogged back outside and caught up with her family. 

Amy was in the back, her Dad in the middle, and her mom in the front of the line.

Sophie went up to Amy and handed her the rocket, winking at her and putting a finger to her lips, making a quite sign. They smiled goofily at each other as Sophie walked up to her mom in the front of their small line. 

They all continued to walked back to their house silently.

Sophie looked around, enjoying the forest as much as she could, trying not to thing about what was hiding in it.

They reached the bridge that went across the river, meaning they were almost back to the house.

Sophie smiled the herself, her mom said she would teach her how to make her famous soup today.

The soup was probably the best thing that they had to eat. It was a tomato soup, mixed with a variety of vegetables and they had bread with it.

They only had it every once in a while though since it was so hard to make, so the made her even more exited to-

Beep beep beep 

Time seemed to stop as the noise sounded. It seemed like it was the only thing there. Sophie whipped around to see her sister holding the rocket that she had gave her, the red lights flashing and the sound screaming for attention.

Sophie stood there paralyzed in fear as she watched here sister.


Luckily, her dad acted faster than she or her mom could, running towards Amy.

Sophie saw him look at the woods and she looked, seeing the monster sprint thought the trees as it heard its pray.

Sophie's dad picked up his pace as much as her could and dove for Amy grabbing her in his arms as he saw the the monster jump out of the woods. But when the looked down in hi arms, nothing was there.

Amy shrieked as the monster flew out of the woods, grabbing her and bringing her over to the other side of the woods.

Amy's screams were heard for a couple more seconds before they were silenced.

Sophie covered her mouth to keep in the sound of her sobs in.

She heard rustling in the woods, the others were coming.

her mom let out a strangled sob, signaling the monsters. One, hearing the noise, ran over to Sophie's mom, but before it could reach her, her dad let out a scream out of panic. 

All three fought for him and Sophie heard the sickeningly noise of his bones being crushed and crunched.

"Run." Her mom signed. Sophie shook her head frantically as her dad screams also stopped, tears streaming down her face.

"No, run. Now." Her mom pushed her away but she wanted to stay and help.

"Run. Run. Run." Her mom kept signing repeatedly. Sophie turned to see the monsters, their mouths bloody as they fought to tear her dad apart.

Her Mom took her hand and they both ran away from the scene. they were almost to the house when they heard the leaves rustle in the woods.

one of them was here.

Her Mom tripped, falling to the floor then trying to get back up. She was about to start running again when the monster flew out of the woods once again, mouth open, showing of all the long, sharp teeth.

It attacked before Sophie could react. She had to put a hand over her mouth to keep herself from screaming.

"RUN SOPHIE!" Her Mom screamed and she disappeared in the woods.

And that's what Sophie did, she ran.

She didn't know where she was going, how long she was running, she didn't know anything. But she ran as far away from there as her legs would take her. She ran for her Mom. She ran for her Dad. She ran for Amy She ran for freedom.

The sun was going down as Sophie neared a river. She didn't care that she had never seen this place in her life and fell asleep as soon as she laid down. Not caring about the throbbing head she had, or the pain in her ankle and hand, she didn't even notice the blood seeping though her shirt as she fell asleep, only hoping that this was a nightmare she would wake up from.

published- 01/28/21

word count- 1,384

Hope you enjoyed loves, this was a long chapter! :)

A quite place/ kotlc AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें