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Hi! So I really like the movie, "The Quite Place" so I decided to combine the movie and my favorite series, Keeper of the lost cities by Shannon Messenger. I suggest watching the movie, its not really that scary but if you haven't or don't want to that's completely fine. This is mostly on the kotlc characters and just the world of The Quite Place but there might be spoilers or scenes similar to the movie. Here's the basics of the movies environment so no one confused (I tried to make it as straight forward and short as possible 

A year ago monsters took over and destroyed everything, killing thousands of people earning themselves the name, Death Angles. Only a few people made it out alive. Everyone who did went into hiding. The monsters cant see but have the best hearing. Here's a picture of them (or just look up death angles from the quite place):

Hope you enjoy loves! :)

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