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The Sunny was exceptional Quiet which surprised Nami from the usual yelling Luffy does, Nami looks around and notices the swordsman sleeping on the grass

Nami: Zoro, stop being lazy, and go find Luffy

As Zoro heard this he too realized it was to quiet, Huh where is luffy? He stood up starting to go find Luffy

Zoro: alright, you damn witch

Nami: I heard that!  Your debt just increased

Zoro: What!? Come O-

Sanji: NAMI-SWAN, I have your drink

Nami: Thanks Sanj-




Zoro: Fine


As Zoro walked to a room he saw luffy sitting on the floor, he stopped, he stared at his captain who was holding something

Zoro: Oi Luffy, what do you got there?

Luffy: Nothing, just a glowing rock

Zoro: Alright ...Wait a Second... Wher-

As Zoro was about to question him somebody else walked in

Robin: Luffy, did you say a glowing rock?

Luffy: Yeah, and it talks! Shi shi shi

Zoro: Oi Luffy, what do you mean it talks?

Robin: What does it say?

Meanwhile Nami and the rest of the crew got tired of waiting for their friends so they went to find them until they reached the door as luffy spoke

Luffy: 'Knowledge from the Future, Present, and Past only Friends, family, and foes all around the world may see what comes ahead, those dead come back to life till it's over, be warned what you see will be forgotten when the journey is over, you've been warned'

As Luffy smiled at his friends, everyone else stood there looking at their captain quietly

Sanji: Luffy, what do you mean Future, Present, and Past?

Fanky: Friends, Family, and Foes all around the world?

Brook: Come back from the dead?

Robin: Knowledge?

Nami: What we see will be forgotten?

Usopp: we've been warned!?

Chopper: What comes ahead?

Zoro: Oi luffy? Are you ok?

As everyone stared at Zoro, and then at Luffy for to hear his response, luffy just smiled at that statement

Luffy: Of course, why wouldn't I

Nami: Luffy? What are you saying?

Luffy: Robin can you tell them... I suddenly feel sleepy

Robin: Luffy found a mysterious rock that glows and talks

Usopp: where did he find it?

Chopper: yeah, and where is the rock?

Zoro: Luffy has it, Oi Luf-

As they all look at their Captains last location he was gone, all of them were looking around the room trying to find their captain

Franky: Oi Luffy where are you!?

Nami: Luffy!?

Sanji: He can't be far. Oi, shitty swordsman let's go find luffy

Zoro: Dont tell me what to do, DUMBASS COOK!

Nami: Not the TIME

Robin: Nami is right, we should go find luff-

???: The boy is safe

Usopp: Oi, what was that!?

Chopper: IT'S A GHOST!?

Brook: Im so scared my eyes almost popped out, oh wait I dont have eyes, Skull Joke Yohohoho

Nami: Not the time

???: I'll give him back in one condition...

Zoro: How about you give him back and we won't kill you

Sanji: Yeah, but where is he?

Nami: who?

Sanji: the person who is talking

Robin: Sanji is right, where is this  person

???: I've been activited the minute the boy touched the rock

Nami: Dammit Luffy!

???: You can't kill, unless you dont wanna see your friend

Zoro: tch, fine what do you want?

???: A piece of your memory and your time

Zoro: alright we accept your conditions

Nami: ZORO! Why did you answer for all of us

Usopp: Zoro, Nami is right it's our Memories

Zoro: and Luffy is our captain he would have done the same for us

Robin: that sounds right

Nami: Fine you guys win, hey you take us to luffy!

???: Alright but first I'll use your time

Franky: what do you mean 'Use your time'

???: The boy stated what I said didn't he?

Brook: That's right he said something about Future, present, and past

Nami: wait does that mean everything  he said will happen?

Sanji: it can't be that bad?

Zoro: Did you pay attention to what luffy said we will react to him

Robin: Zoro is right we will be reacting to his secrets and past

Chopper: we can't do that to luffy! It's his memories

???: To late you all agreed, as for the rest, I've taken liberty to make them appear with you

Nami: WHO!?

Usopp: Luffy's family, friends, and Foes

???: Correct, some of which dont know you yet but luffy will have a major impact on will appear

Robin: will we react to the future?

???: yeah, were you paying attention?

As darkness consumed the crew, other people were facing the same problem which only made them more  confused and scared

All: NANI-


Thoughts so far on what I'm writing? I dont know what to do for shipping but I'm more inclined to the Luffy x Nami, but of course luffy doesn't show any feelings of  love to any girl, so should I make it where the girls like luffy but luffy shows no interest, any thoughts on the subject? Thanks for everything, and once again my bad for any grammar mistakes, I'm doing this over my phone so sorry for the mistakes.

Have a good day my fellow readers

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