Those of who kill

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Hey! Welcome to my story, this is my first Fanfiction and it probably won't be updated on a schedule so uh- Yeah! Enjoy. Also, everyone might be a bit OOC but I'm trying to fix that, others however are purposely OOC


Warnings: Deth, Murr der and blood also yes character death

Edited: Wed 17th February 2021

Edited;  Saturday  13th November 2021

      Dream pulled his mask over his nose as he walked along the large obsidian highway that stood sturdy in the unorganized mess that was the nether, his steps echoed through the red hell that he found himself in. His eyes were trained ahead, as he found himself lost in thought. He was making his way to the island that he'd exiled Tommy to. The year had passed quickly and it was his birthday. It was about time he went back home, Dream knew the devastating effects that exile could cause, so he must admit that Exiling Tommy wasn't his best idea. In the end, it would keep him away from the wars that were due to stir, keeping him safe from the other violent people that lived in the main SMP. As dream's mind fluttered from thought to thought he'd notice another figure stood on the highway, Tommy supplied his mind. He could easily deduce that Tommy was staring out into the lava below. Lost in thought much like how Dream was, a moment before.  The foreign feeling of confusion and worry plagued Dream's mind. Over the year Dream has come to like Tommy's personality and he would be lying if he said he didn't want to keep Tommy in exile a bit longer, worried about how Tommy would most likely forget the friendship that had bloomed over his exile. 

      "Hey, Tommy!" Called dream as he approached the younger male, worry laced the edges of his words as he shattered the silence that laid still a moment before. Tommy turned to Dream, a shadow cast over his eyes as sorrow seeped from his body in strong and overpowering waves. Dream resisted the urge to run for the red and white-clothed boy as the blue waves attacked his skin, digging into his pores and into his veins. These strong emotions had always hurt Dream, attacking him mercilessly until he either ran or helped the person that they originated from.

      "Dream?" asked Tommy, his voice was gravely and rough as if he hadn't spoken in decades. Tommy turned to look at Dream, relief replacing the sorrow that had dug into his skin, much softer than the blue emotion. Its peach colour hung around the heads of them both until suddenly, a hint of red emerged. Tommy ran up to dream and tightly hugged him, gripping the lime green sweatshirt that the eldest seemed to always wear. 

     "Hey hey, what's wrong Tommy?" Asked Dream as he patted the younger's back, slightly put off from the anger that had shown only a moment before. As he opened his mouth to speak, a sharp pain made itself clear. A choked scream escaped from Dreams throat as the blood poured out of his chest, dying the once bright green shirt a dirty shade of brown. 

     "I am so sorry" Whimpered Tommy as he dragged Dream's body over to the edge of the Highway, pushing him off and into the lava below. Dreams eyes widened in shock as he stared up at Tommy, a cloud of betrayal and shock surrounded him as the heat lapped up at his ever-approaching body, consuming him as his sight went black.

A/N Nov 13th; Jesus my writing was absolute shit- anyways, I'm sorry for totally forgetting this existed, I got distracted with other fandoms *Cough cough, Fire Force, and Transformers* I'll probably update the future chapters today or something, dunno how long this sudden urge to write will late :/ Also, GIVE ME CRITICISM ON THIS CHAPTER PLEASE- Not on the other ones yet tho since they haven't experienced the glory of a re-write

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