Infinate Castle

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(3rd POV)
Muzan was greeted by a door leading to different rooms and places, as there was no time to exist, not day or night. Nakime sat in a room in the corner playing her biwa, shifting rooms to rooms as it was just an endless void where it was nearly impossible for humans to escape. Waiting for the master's next command.

(Muzan's POV)
"Make a room suited for a baby, and make sure no else finds it!" Muzan said. Nakime nodded and strung her biwa which was a room infront of Muzan. As I walked inside the room and closed the door, it looked as a room for a child and placed tanjiro down in the crib as he was fast asleep. Luckily there was no moon demons here so I was able to hide him without any judgement. I teleported to my office finishing some paperwork's while waiting for him to wake up before he would make a loud sound and alert the others.

2 Hours later

(3rd POV)
As then when Tanjiro had woken up, Muzan went over and scooped him up. Tanjiro was moving around while Muzan realized he was hungry so he walked over to a cabinet and grabbed some food. After he was done, Muzan wiped his face and placed him down on the ground. As he crawled over to the toys and played with them, Muzan watched with interest. He could see he had a potential but unfortunately for him, tanjiro was too young so he had to wait for him to grow up so he is able to turn into a demon.

Lost in thoughts thinking of all the possibilities he could do with him, he didn't noticed that Tanjiro had fallen asleep until he turned his head over. He scooped him up again and placed him down into the crib, walking out, closing the door and went back to his office.

Word count: 320

Baby Demon TanjiroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora