Chapter Three

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I sigh in content as I drop in the comfort of my king size bed.

Finally some peace and quiet. Yay me time.

Just as I start to drift into slumber, I hear the familiar sound of my ringtone.

''Urgh, why can't I just get some sleep.'' I sigh as I wake up to pick my call.


''Hey Sky Bear .'' Josh says over the phone.

''Hey Josh, what did I do to deserve this call at this unholy hour .'' I say irritatedly.

''Well looks like someone's happy.'' he says with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

''What do you want Josh ?'' I say while holding back a yawn.

''I really need your help, I want to propose to Melissa tonight.''

Immediately, all the sleep leaves my body.


I feel water rush to my eyes at that moment .

I should feel happy and excited but the thing is I am in love with my bestfriend since highschool. Now that should say alot.

Why didn't I tell him? Well its because I always chickened out now his getting married. 


''Congratulations.'' I say trying to mask the hurt in my voice.

''Thanks alot Sky Bear , I plan on proposing tonight but I wanted your opinion .''

''Go for it , Josh.'' I say  with fake excitement in my voice.

''Well thanks for your encouragement, got to go bye.''

'' Bye .'' I whisper into the phone then hang up.

Why did I have to fall in love with my bestfriend?

Now let the  water works begin.

I might as well watch Netflix and eat icecream.

There goes my quality sleep I was hoping to get.



Thanks for reading this chapter. I will be uploading daily chapters so yeah;)

Please let me know what you think in the comments below.


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