Ch 28: Warmth

Começar do início

"He's fine, he just fell off of his bed, he'll be up and ready soon." I explain to him.

"I see, well, I better be off then, I have one mission today, it won't take too long, make sure you get through your training." He says.

"Don't worry, I will!" I say waving him goodbye as he leaves the room.

"Your dinner, (y/n)." One of the maids presents me a platter of food that'll get me ready for the day of training ahead of me.

Training continues for the rest of the next few hours.

I had completed four courses that were assigned to me today. My work load has been increased by three courses ever since yesterday.

I completed. Flexibility, Strength, Nen, and Ability training for today, but I had three new courses.

1. Assassination techniques

2. Immune strength training. (Poison, torture, etc.)

3. Fighting techniques.

They were contemplating giving me a course on how to manage money, but they didn't think it would be necessary. I was also going to be opening the testing gate everyday without my tentacles to see how I was progressing.

"(y/n), now, before you start you new courses, you'll be opening the gate. This will be your new schedule until we find you're ready, or until you surpass your brother." Gotoh says.

"Okay." I say, following them to the gate.

"Take your time if you need to." Gotoh says.

I take a deep breath in and prepare my muscles.

My arms touch the cool metal and I push as hard as I can on the heavy door.

My breath started to sound strained and I hold it in.

"Keep breathing!" The butlers say. I do as they say, but my breath is shaky. I finally feel the gate start to open.

"That's as far as I can go.." I say, taking my hands away from the gate as it closes.

"You opened two doors of the gate." One of the butlers said, taking my strength into account.

"We can work with this. We'll need to have her get rid of access weight and gain muscle in those places." The butlers say.

"She'll also need to entirely change her diet, and keep her metabolism in check the whole time."

"Once you are finished with your training for the day, you'll need to take a break and then, we'll take a blood sample for the doctors to inspect so we can see exactly what we need to do to help you reach your goal." Gotoh says.

"It's time for your assassination technique training now, come with me." Gotoh says as he waves for me to follow him.

"The first thing you will be learning will be the silent Gait, something that a lot of young assassins learn even before they learn nen." The butler teaching me this course says.

"You must walk at a certain pace," She says.

I copy her every movement. Before long, my footsteps become inaudible.

"You're a natural, almost quick as Killua was."

"You taught Killua."

"Yes, but, right now, I must teach you. Focus."

Patterns of myself started to show up behind me.

"Just one step out of rhythm and it doesn't work." She says to me.

I think of a ticking clock ticking away at the rhythm of seconds. I go to that pace for as long as I can.

"You may rest now." She tells me.


"There is a lot more you need to learn about this technique, such as how to sneak around and attack opponents."

"Yes, Sensei."

"Now, move on to your next task." She waves me off.

I walk over to the place I was told to go for immune strength.

"Hello." Tsubone says.

"Is this where my training is?"

"Yes, it is, now sit over there in that chair," She starts,"It's come to my attention that you've become immune to the first dose of poisons that the Zoldyck's are immune to. There are many more poisons that you need to become immune to and many more things that you need to be immune to." She says.

"Of course." I reply.

"You'll feel pain in your stomach for a while, but once the pain goes away, we'll need to give you another dose. This is a simple poison to be immune to." Tsubone says.

"We'll do this until you've taken five doses, after that, we'll give a dose to you before you sleep. Once that happens, you should be immune."

She takes out a needle, which I didn't mind. I was never really afraid of pointy objects or needles.

I got rid of the tension in the area she was injecting me. My arm felt a little sore after she injected me, but the real pain was yet to come.

I clenched my stomach. It felt like salmonella, cramps, and as if my abs had been torn all at the same time.

"The pain will subside after five to ten minutes."

"So this will go on for about one hour?"


After five doses of pain, I got up and felt stronger, like when I did when I opened all seven of the testing gate doors a few months ago.

"Do you feel stronger?" She asks me.

"I do."

"That's good, at least we know it's working." She says.

"You can move on to your final course of the day." She tells me.


I head over to the field for my fighting techniques. There, I see Illumi.

"Illumi! What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to spend more time with you, so I offered to teach your last class."

"Oh, Illumi."

"But, as promised, I must train you." 

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Copy Cat: Illumi x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora