Amy reappeared, closing the door behind her, with a fuzzy brown teddy bear in hand.
At the sight of it, Jimmy frowned, "Are you sure that's your favorite toy?"

"Well, yes... is there a problem?" Amy asked, pigtails falling to one side as she cocked her head.

"Most favorite toys are worn, like mine," he snatched the dog off the bed. 

The plush dog was worn with stains and strange patches covering its body. Now being a little closer to the toy, I could smell something smoky emitting from the toy's fabric. One of the eyes had also been torn out and stuffing was falling from a hidden broken seam. This toy, yes, looked well loved - but I wasn't sure if it was just worn because he clutched it to his chest at night to help ward off night terrors that crept into the room.

Amy looked down at her bear, "Well, I just got it... maybe a week ago?"

"Ah, so it's a new favorite then?" Jimmy nodded, patronizingly, "I see... that might still work."

"What will work?"

Jimmy grinned wickedly, "Come with me and I'll show you."

Both kids headed into the bathroom, each clutching their personal toy.

I watched from the doorway as Jimmy set the dog into the bathtub and took Amy's bear and set it beside the old plush. Amy watched as Jimmy pulled the bottle of turpentine out of his pocket and held it up.

"Do you know what this is?" he asked her.

"Tur-pin-tine..." Amy read the label slowly before shaking her head, "No, what is it?"

"I'll show you," Jimmy then proceeded to pour the bottle over both of the toys. Once they were thoroughly soaked, he recapped the bottle and returned it to his pocket, pulling the lighter out.

"What are you-"

Amy didn't have time to finish as the fire flicked alive in Jimmy's hands, bouncing onto the bear then the dog. Red hot flames and smoke began to eat at the two plush toys, leaving scars and open seams filled with cream-white stuffing.

This was how the dog got so badly ruined, I thought, my own eyes widened and heart screaming at the sight.

Amy screamed, snatching her bear from the tub, and cried out as the flames attacked her tiny hands and arms. Jimmy snatched the bear back up and tossed it into the tub, throwing the water on before turning to Amy.

"Naughty little girl," he all but growled, grabbing her hands, "Don't you know it's dangerous to play with fire?"

Amy screamed, pulling her body away from him, "I hate you! You're horrible Jimmy!"

She rushed from the room, tears crawling down her cheeks. Jimmy moved quickly, following Amy down the hallway. I peered around the corner, my feet keeping me from leaving the room completely.

Jimmy rushed ahead of Amy toward one of the medieval showcases at the end of said hallway. He jumped on a nearby chair and seemingly pulled one of the swords easily out of its casing, twirling it about and pointing it at Amy as she stopped. It was only a few inches away from her neck, and the fear was evident in her eyes.

"Where do you think you're going, Miss Amy Bell?" Jimmy's psychotic grin was spread across his lips again, wielding the weapon as if he had done it his entire life.

"I-I n-need a doctor, Jimmy," Amy hiccupped, "My hand is really hurting, Jimmy. P-please."

"You don't need a doctor, Amy. Look," he held out his own hand that was brandish with scars, "We're matching now! Isn't that what friends have, matching marks?"

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