Chapter Four

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"Katniss, wait!" But he is too late. The door has already slammed behind her. Peeta doesn't know where she went, let alone when she'll be back. Heartbroken and trying hard to ignore Gale's malicious laughter on the other end, he quietly hangs up the phone and begins to clean up the mess. His thoughts are a jumble of anger towards Gale and remorse towards Katniss, and that's besides everything he's making a mental list to do to make Katniss happy when she gets back. He owes her.

Six, wait no-eight screws in the coat rack. Okay, two still in the wall, three in the wood, three on the floor. That's one, two, yep, got the third. He secures the screws to the board, but must go into the utility room to find some of the strongest glue they have.

Ah, here it is. He glues the pegs to the board halves, and then takes on the board itself. This was not a clean cut. There are splinters everywhere, but if it's to make Katniss happy, he must do it. It's not an easy fix, but he manages it. All the coats he places back on the coat rack, and then runs upstairs to alert Primrose and Finnick as to why the house will soon look spectacular, and why it is so crucial that they must help.

In three hours, the house is immaculate. There is a tablecloth on the table, flowers in a vase (primroses, of course) upon it,

Everything is spotless, even Finnick's bedroom, normally a calamity. When Katniss arrives at home fifteen minutes later, she is in shock. Peeta has gone to great lengths to make her feel welcome, and it seems the kids were a part of it, too. Primrose is wearing a soft orange dress, Finnick is wearing a neatly pressed green button-down and black pants, and Peeta is dressed in a simple white collared shirt with the same pants as Finnick. Katniss is impressed that he got Finnick into such nice clothes, but her son's wardrobe is the least of her astonishment. Peeta bought several Capitol name brands of lamb stew, all of which make Katniss' mouth water. Peeta has really outdone himself.

After dinner, Peeta puts on a movie for Finnick and Primrose, letting them stay up late, but since Katniss is exhausted from her day of hunting and the hearty dinner, Peeta takes her upstairs. He tucks her in on "her" side of the bed, but when she has nightmares, that invisible line is completely out of the question. She needs him. Not just for the nightmares, but for so much more. She needs him more than either of them know. Well, Peeta knows. That's the reason he will always put her before himself when she needs it the most.

Tonight, the invisible boundary is reduced to nothingness before they even fall asleep. Peeta is grateful that she has forgiven him for quarreling with Gale, but Katniss hasn't. Not entirely. Going up the stairs, she had decided to only act like she had forgiven him. Because the wardrobe, the lamb stew, and the spotless home may be a cover for something unforgivable.

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