chapter 11

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OK hello my lovelys, to tell you the truth I dont know what I'm going to write for this chapter so... lets hope it ends well :P anywaayy, comment and vote and hope you love it!!!!!!!

Snape's P.O.V.

"Severus, how has Rory and Harry been recently, It has come to my attention that both of them have things on their minds." Dumbledore asked me, these stupid assignments...

"Well Ms. Riddle had a detention the other day, I have not noticed many things wrong with her other than the fact she tends to speak things on her mind..."

"Like what Severus"

"she asked if I have multiple personalities...."I mumbled under my breath. At this Dumbledore chuckled.

"Is there anything else with Rory?" He asked

"Yes she has a knack for potions, best first year, she's better than most of my second years as well." I complimented

"Then  I suggest that you offer her the option to skip the rest of her first year in potions, and finish it in second year, if she does prove to be better than most the second years, offer to make her a third year. As that is what you did in school, skipped most of first and second year of potions didn't you?" Dumbledore said

"Yes I did sir, I will offer her the spot in second year and if by Christmas she is at the top of the class I will offer third year." I replied, and we got into a conversation about that little dweeb Harry Potter

Aurora's P.O.V.

On my way to breakfast to Hermione I pushed the dream out of my head, it was just a dream and I shouldn't worry he's dead, and like Dumbledore said he's no father of mine. The day went by slowly, after school I hung out with the Weasly twins, all was fine, of course that was just today....

Today I have potions... I still am not sure how well Snape took my comment, and I don't really want to find out.

"RORY, get you butt out of that bed, we HAVE to go to class, potions starts in ten minutes GET UP!!!" Hermione yelled as she violently shook my body. She had been yelling at me to get out of bed for the last ten minutes, but my beds so warm and comfy and soft, and I'm so tired....

"GET UP!!!!" and with that she throws off my blanket and pulls me off onto the floor.

"uhhggg" I moan getting up "fiiiinnnneee,  I'm up you go off to class I'll be there soon." 

"No you wont your just going to go back to bed now go get dressed we have to hurry" Dag nab bit, that girl knows me too well... "fiiinnneee" I say again throwing my robe ontop of my comfy PJ's.

"real clothes Rory come on!" Hermione shouted

"These are real clothes, if they weren't I'd be naked now lets go you don't want to be late" I said.

"GAHHHH, fine lets just go" Hermione mumbled as she ran out of the common room me trailing behind groggily. We finally got to potions and into our seats just before Snape entered the room. He had his normal sneer on but when his eyes he took a double take, noticing my PJ's under  my cloak and my bed head. In fact everyone was staring at my state.

"I didn't want to get up, blame Hermione" I said, Hermione giving me a death glare. Snape's look hardened as he began class, again ignoring my presence as usual. I finished my potion and class ended but just before I left Snape called me over.

"Ms. Riddle would you please stay after class" Snape ordered. I sighed... my tummy got butterflies. Wouldn't that be weired if you had butterflies in your tummy, would you die or would they just fly around... could they fly out of your mouth?

"Ms. Riddle being as you excel in the class, Professor Dumbledore has requested me to ask you if you would skip the rest of year one of potions and join year two potions for the rest of the year." Snape said

"Only  if you answer a question, is it possible for butterflies to live in your tummy." as soon as I said that I closed my eyes and mentally slapped myself, stupid Hermione waking me up so early.... I could have just slept through this period.... 

"W-what" Snape said taken aback

"Never mind, yes I'll move up" I replied

"Ok, then after classes today, report to Professor Mcgonagall to get your new schedule, you may have classes with out your house because of this." Snape informed me.

"Ok" I said inching my way to the door

"Also in order to catch you up with the second years I will tutor you till you are caught up" Snape said. I gaped at this fact but pushed these toughts out of my head.

"OK sir"

"Alright, we will start today after dinner, you are dismissed" He said as I sprinted out of the room despite my previous tiredness. The rest of the day went by normally and after classes I went to Professor Mcgonagall.

"Hello Ms. Riddle, I assume you have accepted Professor Snape's Request that you be moved to year two potions?" Mcgonagall asked

"Yes, Ma'am" I replied

"well here is your book for that class, and here is your new schedule. You now have transfiguration with Ravenclaw and Slytherin, and you have Herbology with Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Your potions is with second year Slythering and Gryffindor." She said

"Thank you Professor" I said taking the book and schedule before heading up to the common room.

Ok so this chapter just builds on her relations ship with Snape, since not much happens with Quirrel and Voldemort till the end of the book from here.... So we will just have to wait until then... by the way I don't plan on stopping this book at first year, it will at least got to second year cause think about it the heir of Slytherin opened the chamber of secrets :) 

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