I miss you.

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  • Dedicated to Mikoto Suoh

        It had been a month since Mikoto's inevitable death. Mikoto's death had impacted Munakata the most. He had always liked to hold in his feelings, just like he did when he never confessed his love for Suoh when he was alive, but this time was different. His beloved Suoh was dead, gone forever by the last fatal blow of his sword. 
        He had so many regrets towards the whole situation. He could of stopped it, he was sure of it, but he didn't try hard enough. He would never get to say his long overdue "I love you" to him, or even share a smoke with him again. Sure, he loved to deny his attraction for Suoh in playful banter, but he had always loved him deep down inside and now... he's gone. 
        Reisi clenched the sheets of his bed. Just thinking about it got him angry, he hated himself. This whole month he hasn't left the comfort of his bed. Reisi was a mess. For the first time in years, he was crying- no sobbing at the loss of Mukoto Suoh. 
        Reisi moved his hand up to his face to take his glasses off, since the tears were staining them. He looked down painfully at them remembering when Mikoto would call him "four eyes." Sure, it got old but he still loved everything about him. Munakata clenched the glasses in his hand. It felt like his heart was cracking in to many pieces and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Souh was the glue to hold the broken pieces; just like anything else, he fell apart with out anything holding him together. 
        Before he realized it the glasses had broke from him squeezing them so hard. Pieces of glass poked into his hand causing him to bleed a lovely red color. It reminded him of Suoh's red. What a lovely red it was. He wanted to drown in it, a sea of lovely red, and that's just what he was going to do.
        Reisi climbs out of bed, and drags himself to the bathroom. Once he's in he runs a hot bath and grabs his sword. He was so close to seeing the beautiful red- to seeing his red, Suoh. He raises his sword and stabs himself in the gut, falling right back into the water, staining it red. 
        All he could see was a beautiful red as he coughed up blood. Finally he was on his way to see Mikoto Suoh. He would finally get to say "I love you." But what was this.. this red was so familiar. It was painfully familiar. 
        "Munakata..." A deep voice called, "You need to hold on.. for just a bit longer.. for me." It was Suoh! Reisi tried to speak but only choked more on blood. "Don't come towards me.. you need to keep fighting! For your clan, for me! Your a king damn it and it's pathetic to go out like this. WAKE UP DAMN IT!" Souh yelled at the top of his lungs. 
        Finally, Munakata could see him. He smiled weakly, as he reached out for him. He knew deep down it was an illusion, but he didn't care.. it felt so real, it hurt. Reisi coughed again and looked up at the red king, who had tears in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry, Suoh.. I g-guess I'm going to fail you again.. Hah.."
        "DON'T SAY THAT! LIVE DAMN IT!" Suoh screams  and clenches his fists, tears falling from his eyes.
        "In the e-end I was the weakest link.. I-I need you to know that I l-love you.. And I'll see you soon.." Reisi smiled and drew sword out again, this time plunging it into his heart. Tears fell down Reisi's face as he closed his eyes for the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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