Chapter 15

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Itachi focused intently onto Koraru, who stood before him in her battle attire, her head cocking at his statement.

"I'm sorry?"

He took a deep breath, raising his head slightly and taking a deep breath, allowing the fresh air of their woodland surrounding to flood his lungs.

"When you are ready, I will assist in furthering your genjutsu. In the meantime however, I believe we should build on your basics. Kisame has informed me that it has been quite some time since you were involved in any kind of altercation."

Koraru pursed her lips, a small lump settling in her throat as she wondered what else Kisame may have told Itachi about her. She nodded in acceptance of his words, pushing her worries to the back of her mind before she hardened her stance, preparing for his first attack. She knew he wasn't one to be taken lightly, and that this would inevitably end the same way as her previous training sessions with the others... but it was how things were done here, if she wanted to improve, this was the way to do it. Itachi eyed her for an short moment, her battle stance was a little sloppy. Although she was prepared, one strike would easily knock her over. He shook his head before beginning towards her slowly, the woman eyeing him suspiciously, awaiting his first strike. Suddenly she realised how close he was getting, her concentration thrown by his casual movements, and instead of continuing to wait, she opted to strike first, drawing back her fist and throwing it forwards quickly. Itachi caught it in his grasp with little to no effort, but did not retaliate, causing Koraru's tight expression to soften, her stance following as her tense muscles loosened slightly.

"Unlike the others, I don't wish to train you through violence."

He released her wrist, before stepping back from her and removing his cloak, draping the neatly folded material over a nearby tree. He had wanted to move a little further from the base, moving into the trees not too far off, away from the swampy area and it's noxious air. They stood in a small forest clearing, lush green grass beneath their feet, and a bright blue sky above them. Koraru watched intently as he mimicked her battle stance, before locking his eyes onto her.

"The fighting style which you use is one which requires a great deal of precision, you must tighten your limbs, but allow them to remain flexible, like this."

He changed stance fluidly, Koraru watching him carefully as he did. His movements were as one, calm and slow, yet powerful. He moved his head so his eyes met her own once more.

"And now you."

Itachi reset his stance, Koraru following suit as she copied his movements. Although she had been taught how to fight many years ago, it never hurt to refresh the basics, because without them, a ninja had nothing to build on. Besides, it was a welcome change from the brutal training which Sasori and Kakuzu had put her through the last few days.

The day passed by swiftly, Koraru ad Itachi running through various slowed exercises, going over basics such as stances and simple strikes, the Uchiha refusing to move on until the siren perfected each move. Having declared that their session was now at an end, Itachi picked up his cloak, gently unfolding it before re-covering himself. Koraru gave him a bright and thankful smile as she bowed softly.

"My thanks for your help, Itachi-kun, it was pleasant as well as helpful."

He nodded to her, his head tilting to gaze up at the already setting sun.

"We will continue on our next session, until then, please practice simpla tai chi movements each day to increase your flexibility and balance."

He turned back towards the direction of the base before beginning ahead of her, Koraru's smile remaining as she jogged slowly to catch up to him. Koraru bit the inside of her lip gently before sighing, Itachi taking note of the noise. He glanced at her, her bright eyes set ahead, somewhat solemn and distant. She took a deep breath, before turning her eyes towards the Uchiha's, locking them.

"Itachi-kun. You said Kisame told you I haven't been in a fight for some time."

He nodded once.

"That's correct."

"Did he tell you anything else?"

She watched him carefully, looking for signs that his next words may be lies, that he was hiding what he knew about her. She found no such signs though as he shook his head, his dark eyes focused on her intently.

"Nothing notable. You lived by the sea in vicinity to your brother and his family, having left your village with them long ago. Your knowledge in medicine is your greatest strength, but you lack physical prowess."

He fell silent, the siren keeping her gaze on him for a few moments before she signed in relief.

"I see."

"Do you feel I should know more?"

There was the quiet but delightful song of bluebirds floating through the air, carried by the gentle cooling breeze that the evening was providing, the fresh green grass crunched beneath her feet, and the fading light of day bathing the trees in a glowing amber light. Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath, breaking her intense eye contact with the Uchiha.

"There you are, what the hell is keeping you two?"

Koraru raised her head, her hand following suit as she waved to the approaching Kisame. His face was less than enthused though, an annoyed frown set across his lips and his eyes slightly narrowed at the approaching pair. He glowered as he stopped in front of them, eyeing them both, before pivoting on his heel, beginning back towards the base.

"You should have been back two hours ago, you missed dinner and everything."

"I wouldn't really consider that a great loss."

Kisame glowered in annoyance to Koraru as she sped up to walk beside him, an annoyed grunt escaping him as he flared his nostrils.

"You said you would eat."

She glanced up to him, his silver eyes narrowed on her, his lips affixed into an agitated frown, his arms crossed matter of factory across his broad chest. Koraru hummed before she chuckled, Kisame's brow knitting tighter. He wasn't amused at her shrugging off their previous nights conversation. He sneered.


She cut his sentence short, shaking her head as she spoke.

"You misunderstand Kisame-kun, I am hungry, and I do want to eat, but the food you gave me last night was a little well..."

She trailed off, mulling over her thoughts as she tried to find the perfect word to describe the horror on a plate which Kisame had handed her the previous night.


The end of her sentence came from Itachi, who was now walking at the other side of Kisame, his eyes straight ahead as though he hadn't spoken at all. Kisame frowned at him before turning back to Koraru, unfolding his arms and dipping his hands into his pockets.

"My cooking is better than Sasori's."

He muttered his response under his breath, Koraru looking up to him curiously.

"You made that?"

He cast his glance ahead at Itachi was, a faint hue of purple tickling his blue cheeks as he nodded. He knew his cooking was awful. Koraru folded her hands behind her back, smirking up to him.

"It truly was distasteful."

His head snapped to her, his teeth bared.

"Well from here on out you can cook your own food just like everyone else does."

She chuckled gently once more as he glared ahead of them, his frown deep, and his annoyance radiating from him.

"Gladly, Kisame-kun."

The Songless Siren - A Kisame Hoshigaki Love StoryOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara