Sidon X Reader | Skark Boy

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Sidon and I have been dating for a few months now. I'm still not quite used to it. I mean, I'm dating Zora royalty! Sometimes I can't help but feel I'm not enough for him and that he deserves better. He enjoys reminding me of how much he loves me so those thoughts are erased by his kisses quite frequently.

I'm a wandering traveler. I go around Hyrule and collect interesting goods to sell. I don't ever settle in one place for too long. That was until I bumped into Sidon. That was back before the Champion Link overrode the Divine Beast Vah Ruta and stopped the harsh rains so getting all the way up here was a pain. I only really stayed because I couldn't fathom making my way back down the mountain. Eventually Sidon and I grew close and before I knew it I had blurted out my feeling to the handsome Zora. Luckily for me he returned them and we've been together ever since.

Alas, I had to put my survival skills to use and am what some may call a mercenary. After each blood moon I go out and kill the Hinox and Lynel to keep the Zora people safe. The fights themselves are difficult but I get paid for everyday they are dead and so it's not all that bad of a job. Sidon still hates me doing it, though.

"I'm a prince, (Y/N). I can pay for all your expenses just please quit this dangerous occupation. I would hate to lose you to such foul beasts..." he'd often say but I brushed his words away with a hand and told him that I was perfectly safe. I've seen worse creatures before. Besides, my fighting skills were almost top notch and all the monsters followed a easy enough pattern to follow. It was a simple routine.

At least I had thought so.

Here I was, limping back down from Ploymus Peak. I had killed the Lynel but he managed to give me a nasty gash on the leg before collapsing into a puff of smoke. I sighed, at least it doesn't rain as often anymore thanks to Link pleasing Vah Ruta.

I glanced up when I heard my name being called and grinned at the familiar red Zora as he ran across the bridge towards me.

"(Y/N)! I'm so glad you're back! I wanted to ask if you'd be willing to join me at dinner with-" he stopped when he saw my bleeding leg. Sidon has seen me hurt before, just never this severely. Normally it was a small nick or a bruise. Perhaps small amounts of blood, and each time he would patch me up and scold me for being so reckless. He seemed to have a different reaction this time, though.

I saw as his eyes landed on my blood and his jaw clenched. I was him visibly tense and he seemed scared.

"Sidon, I know it looks bad but I swear I'll be fine," I laughed, ignoring the growing pain trailing up my leg.

Sidon didn't respond and continued to stare at the liquid seeping between my fingers as I tried to stop it.


He violently shook his head and took a few steps back. "I-I'm sorry. I'll be back. Please go to the medics." With that he ran off as fast as his webbed feet could carry him.

Strange, I thought as I lumbered towards the medics who helped patch me up. Once they were sure I wouldn't bleed out my life essence on the floor anymore they dismissed me and I quickly found my way to Sidon and I's shared room.

"Sidon?" I called gently as I knocked.

I heard pattering of feet before he quickly opened the door, looking down at me anxiously. "(Y/N)!" he practically yelled, holding me by the shoulders and checking if I was alright. "Are you feeling better, my treasure?" He liked that pet name for me. He argued it made him feel like a pirate.

"Yes, no thanks to you," I muttered. I meant it playfully but it came out cold.

He sighed and pulled me into the room, shutting the door. "I'm sorry, love. I wanted to help. Truly. You were just bleeding so much..."

I smiled gently, "It's alright, Sidon." I gently caressed his face with a hand. "Why was the blood an issue, though? You've seen me bleed countless times."

He looked at me sadly, "Yes, I know. I hate when you bleed." He cupped my cheek in one hand and I happily leaned into his touch.

"You haven't answered my question," I reminded softly.

"Yes, well..." he trailed off and sheepishly glanced to the side. "It's quite embarrassing."

"You know I won't judge."

"Yes, but still..."

"Spit it out."

He sighed in defeat, "Fine. You know how all of us Zora are a different type of marine life in a sense? Like how Muzu is a ray?"

I nodded slowly, "Yes?"

"Well, I'm a shark. Great White to be specific, and the scent of blood can cause me to lose my composure." He swallowed thickly and I could see his golden eyes gloss over with tears, "I only ran from you earlier because I was afraid I would hurt you. I could feel my inner shark wanting to... bite."

"Sidon, that's not embarrassing at all. It's just a part of who you are."

He glanced down at me and sniffed, "You're not upset are you?"

"Of course not," I gently wiped away his tears. "I'm a bit surprised you never told me about this but I could never be mad at you."

He smiled, "I'm so glad you're so understanding."

"Only for you."

"Oh, don't flatter me."

"But it's true."


I grinned, "Oh, right. What was that thing you were saying before your instincts scared you away earlier?"

He blinked in thought for a moment before remembering, "Oh, I was going to attend dinner with my father and other council members and was asking if you'd like to accompany me."

I beamed, "Oh! Of course! When do we leave?" I limped over to my wardrobe and reached for my most formal dress. Sidon had it made specially for me a few weeks ago.

My hands were stopped when my Zora prince wrapped his arms around me, "Sorry, dear, but I don't think you're going anywhere with a limp like that."

I groaned, leaning against his arms, "Why? I can still walk and my leg is firmly wrapped in bandages. Besides, I'll be lonely if you leave me here alone."

"Who ever said I was going to leave you here alone?"

"You can't just not attend a council meeting! Muzu will have you head!" I glanced up at him with wide eyes.

"Oh, please. You see how frail he is. I bet Keye is strong enough to kill him."

I chuckled, "Keye is pretty strong now. I'd better be careful or he's going to steal my job!"

"Good. I'd much rather he goes to fight that Lynel than you."

I smacked his arm lightly, "Sidon! Keye is a child how could you say something like that?"

I heard him chuckle as we walked backwards until he was sitting on the bed with me in his lap, running his hands absentmindedly through my hair, "I don't care who get's hurt so long as it's not you, my love."

"That's sweet and scary at the same time."

"I'm protective, what can I say?"

I laughed before going back to the original topic. "Sidon I still don't think you should miss that meeting."

"You're more important than that silly meeting."


"I already said no, (Y/N)."

"I don't want you to get in trouble on my behalf!" I wined, only to be silenced when he turned my head and kissed me.

"I know what my priorities are. Now, hush, my treasure."

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