Being an opera star

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Okay so you might be thinking "who in their right minds would want to be an opera star!?"

But I do.

I revel in the thought of standing on a stage and taking on a different but amazing persona, and then, out of nowhere delivering the most amazing, powerful yet soft noise that humans have ever made...

Okay, okay, I know that sounds totally crazy, but where does an opera's singers voice come from? It's like their voice envelops you in a velvety timbre of music.

That's what I want to be.

I want people to think "wow! I wish I could do that", to change people's minds from thinking "let's take the mickey" to " I want to be able to do that, that's amazing!"

But this book isn't just about my dreams, no.

It's about my life.

The problems, the best times, the crushes and the memories, from childhood to teenager; My name is Holly Green and this is my life.

{Chapter 1}

"Holly get up, you're late for school" mum mumbled walking past my door, and she was right. I looked at my clock and it was 9:30, school started at 8:25. 'Great I'm late again' I thought to myself, no I am not usually late, in fact i usually pride myself on my time keeping; however I'd had an EXTREMELY busy week, don't judge... Okay, you're going to be judging me anyway, I would too if I was reading this, it's no excuse but I was sooo tired... But anyway, I got up took out my retainer, put it away, and went downstairs to get breakfast. All we had was cereals... I hate cereals... But I grabbed a bowl of Cheerios and sprinted back upstairs so I could eat breakfast in my warm bed and watch T.V.

By the time I was ready for school (I just chuck on clothes and brush my hair... What can I say? I'm lazy, give me sleep over beauty any day) it was 9:55 and I was just late for second lesson, "C'mon mum! Let's go!" I say

"Just looking for my keys!" she replies, so I speed down the stairs when my dog suddenly decides to lie at the bottom... "Billie move!" But it was too late, she stood up, I tripped over her face first onto the floor 'thanks for that billie' I thought as I got up and brushed myself off, I looked in the mirror and saw a cave women staring back at me. Finally mum found the keys and told me to hurry up, with one last glance at the mirror I groaned and decided I would just have to deal with how disheveled I looked, so I grabbed my Disney Mickey Mouse bag, jogged to the car and slid in. "so what lessons you got today hols?" mum enquired and I took my time, thinking about my schedule and smiled. maybe today wouldn't be as bad as I thought "Drama, Art, Maths and English" I didn't mind maths, but the other three were my absolute favourite lessons, at the moment we're reading Holes by Louis Sachar in English. Let me just say it is my third favourite book and I've read at least a thousand books, books mean alot to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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