Chapter 6

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After about an hour and a half, the pizza finally arrived at the suite. Around the same time Bloom's suitemates came back from eating dinner in the main hall. Michelle introduced herself to Bloom's friends and thanked Aisha again for being so kind to bunk with Musa and Terra this week so she could stay with her niece.

The rest of the night existed of Michelle telling Bloom and her friends all about California and her latest disaster date. Bloom's grandma keeps bugging Michelle to settle down, since she is "already" 26. It is not that Michelle does not want to settle down. It's just that every guy she has dated up until now has been a douche in the end. Could be a California-thing, could be a guy-thing. However, to keep her mother off her back, Michelle occasionally goes on dates. It hasn't brought her towards her Prince Charming yet, but it makes for some good stories.

The girls understand why Bloom is so fond of her aunt. At the end of the evening they all have spilled a couple of secrets and asked the older girl for advice. Terra told her about her troubles with Dane, Musa told her about Sam, Aisha confided in her about her concentration problems and Stella spilled about her troubles with her mom. One by one the girls experienced Michelle's kindness and well-intentioned advice. After their long talk they all went their separate ways and prepared for bed.

It meant a lot to Bloom that Michelle made an effort with her friends. That meant that she didn't think different about them because they were fairies. She treated them the same as she would treat any other friend of Bloom's. It wasn't that Bloom didn't expect this from her aunt. It was just an extra confirmation that she really was the best aunt a girl could wish for. Blood-related or not. It made Bloom wish that her aunt wouldn't leave next week. Little did Bloom know that she should've been careful what she wished for.

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