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Drone: And we are back!

Gold: Can we please not do the dares?

Sakura: There is only 1 dare

Dexholders: YESSSS!

Drone: You are still doing the dare

Dexholders: NOOOOOO!

Sakura: Here is my dare


Put Lack-two and Whi-two on a date to a haunted house or anywhere!

Sakura: That's my dare!

Drone: Lack-two and Whi-two, you guys are going on a date!

Lack-two: Okay

Whi-two: So a haunted house?

Sakura: Yes *teleports them to a haunted house*

Drone: Want to play cards again?

Everyone: Sure

Drone: I won't lose this time!

-With Lack-two & Whi-two-

Lack-two: This place doesn't look that scary

Whi-two:*shivers* That's probably because because you were a cop

*A guy with a chainsaw just appears*

Whi-two: AHHHHHH *runs away while holding Lack-two's hand*

Lack-two: Slow down!

*Another guy with a chainsaw appears*

Lack-two: We're cornered!

Whi-two: Sakura, when I get my hands on you, you'll regret it!

----Back at the Basement----

Sakura:*shivers* I have a bad feeling

Drone: When they come back, they're probably going to chase you

Sakura: Maybe

Drone: Anyone got any 5s

-----Haunted House-----

Lack-two: We're cornered!

Whi-two: I have an Idea *sends out Foongy* Foongy, use Spore!

*Foongy uses Spore*

Whi-two: They're asleep, lets look for a way out!

Lack-two: Okay

---30 minutes of searching---

Lack-two: I found it!

Whi-two: Let's get out

*They got out of the house*

Lack-two: The sun! Oh, how I missed you!

Whi-two: And we only had to put everyone asleep using Foongy's spore

Lack-two: I'll call Sakura then we can get our revenge *dials the number*

Sakura: Ready to come back?

Lack-two: Yeah

Sakura: Ok *teleports them both* So how did it go?

Whi-two: Before we answer that, GET OVER HERE!! *Runs toward Sakura*

Sakura: GET AWAY FROM ME!! *runs away*

Drone: So how did it go?

Lack-two: We put everyone asleep, what did you do?

Drone: We played cards, anyways, now that you're back, we can end it!

Sakura: DRONE, HELP ME!!!

Drone: Lack-two, do the disclaimer before Sakura dies

Lack-two: Drone doesn't own pokespe or Sakura

Drone: Bye

Sakura: HELPPPP!!!

(A\N: Remember to comment more dares and if you want to be a host, go check the previous chapters for the rules to becoming a host. Bye)

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