Part 1

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Elizabeth was sat in her room feeling successful after pushing away yet another babysitter who her parents had hired. I wish they would just spend some time with me she thought as she stared blankly at the wall. Elizabeth snapped her head to the side as she heard the sound of the front door opening. I thought she left for good. Elizabeth hopped off her bed and slowly crept to her door peeking her head out to see.

"MUM!!!! DAD!!!!" She cried as she sprinted down the stairs and into their open arms.
"We missed you so much sweetie" said Alice (Elizabeth's mum) as she cradled her daughter in her arms.
"I missed you too" Elizabeth let out but it was muffled due to the fact that her face was kinda smushed between her two parents chests.
"Where's Aunt Pennie" Tom (her dad) asked as he scanned the room.
"Well first off she wasn't my Aunt she was a babysitter you hired and second she quit" said Elizabeth smugly as she backed away from her parents.

"Look Lizzie we know you think you can look after yourself but we just want what's best for you so please try not to push everyone away, the babysitters are only here to help you" said Alice holding her shoulders and looking her in the eyes. Elizabeth pulled back crossing her arms over her chest because she knew her mother was right but didn't want to accept it.

"I just wish you guys didn't have to leave so often" she said letting out a sigh as she went to sit down on the armchair of their sofa (it is the comfiest spot trust me you feel like a cat).

"We really are sorry Liz but it's part of our job and we need it to help provide all these nice things for you" said Tom awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as he sat on the sofa facing Elizabeth. Alice came and sat beside him and grabbed ahold of his hand ready to deliver the news that she already knew Elizabeth would hate.
"Lizzie we need to tell you something". Alice said as she leaned forward closer to Elizabeth. I think I know where this is going and if it is this I will not like it thought Elizabeth angrily to herself.
"Your father and I will be leaving again" I knew it they just can't wait to leave me here alone again.
"How long?" Elizabeth questions in an emotionless tone.
"Well we have some nice people coming to look after you and..."Alice tried to waste time.
"Just tell me how long" Elizabeth said getting up from her seat and nearing the door.

"A year" that was all it took Elizabeth sprinted out the door to her bedroom but she refused to cry. She just had to find a way to get rid of the babysitters then she could live here alone for a year. I don't need them anyway they've only been here 5 minutes and then tell me they're leaving again. Typical mother and father. Never want to see me and always try to hand me off to someone. Well I'll show them this babysitter stands no chance against me. Elizabeth paced her room thinking of all the ways to scare off her babysitter. If she couldn't live with her mother and father, she wouldn't be living with anyone.

It was around 5 in the evening but luckily it was still light outside as it was the middle of summer so Elizabeth decided she wanted to go for a walk to clear her head because it's not everyday your parents say they need to leave for a year. Normally it would only be a couple of months and by the time they got back the babysitter was always long gone. Grabbing her phone, headphones and keys Elizabeth darted out the door and headed to the path she took quite frequently that led her down to the beach. It usually took about 20 minutes to get there, 30 tops and she liked to sit on this ledge by the beach houses and look out to sea. I wonder what this babysitter will look like. How old will they be. If they try and introduce a bedtime rule I swear I will have them out within a week. I wish I had a friend to tell this to it gets kinda lonely sometimes. But the more I am nice to people and bring them into my life the more I get hurt. I'm tired of being hurt.

As the sun starts to set Elizabeth takes a quick photo and starts to head home wanting to go to her bedroom and just collapse on her bed. I wonder what time my parents are leaving she thought as she walked along to the steady rhythm of her music mouthing the words as she headed home.
Opening the front door to her relief Elizabeth saw her parents were still here and there were no signs of a babysitter. She walked over to them because in the heat of the moment earlier she forgot to ask when they were leaving.
"When are you leaving me again?" She said bluntly facing them as they sat at the kitchen table.
"We are leaving right after your new babysitters get here tomorrow evening" Tom said taking a sip of his coffee. Hold up did he say babysitters with an 's' that can't be right can it? I'm sure I heard it wrong, I must be tired.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight" Elizabeth said not saying another word to them as she swivelled on her foot and raced upstairs to her bedroom closing her door quickly but making sure not to slam it (if you have strict parents you will know why). Great now I barely have time to prepare for this babysitter's arrival and I'm so tired. I guess I will just have to think about it in the morning. Elizabeth put on her pj's brushed her teeth then got into bed. After her long day she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow and was out like a light for the rest of the night.

Little mix babysittersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang