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The platform was heavily crowded, leaving Blanche with little room to stand with her family. The smoke streaming from the Hogwarts Express reached her nostrils and the air buzzed with the voices of families saying goodbye to their children. The young brunette peered at her adoptive parents, sad to depart but aware of the excitement seeping through her bones. After hugging her mother, Luisa, a skinny blonde, and her father, Eric, a tall man with greying hair, she muttered one last farewell before heading towards the train.

Her hands were slightly shaking while holding the handle of her clumsy trunk, and she could almost sense the sub-microscopic atoms buzzing in her chest, giving her the feeling that she might explode from exhilaration. While walking, she kept her syrup-colored eyes on her trainers scuffing the pavement, and she was so hyper-focused that she neglected to notice her surroundings.

Suddenly, a broad shoulder nudged her and pushed her to the side right as she was strolling into the train car. She let out a surprised "oomph!" when someone brushed past her, the person who initially bumped into her, she presumed, and anger rushed through her veins. A glower replaced the distant smile gracing her full lips as she looked up to catch a glance of the unknown imbecile, and when she recognized who it was, she emitted a frustrated sigh.

Of course the only individual she hated at school had to be the one who almost knocked her over. She groaned with dread as she glared up at Theodore Nott, who was dressed in an all-black ensemble with a shirt that particularly framed his biceps, the biceps which had skimmed past her just seconds ago. Stopping in her tracks, she shook her head and felt a wave of rage overcome her. "What the hell, Nott? Are you blind?" she gritted through a clenched jaw, noting the urge she had to hex him into oblivion.

About to enter the closest compartment, presumably where his cronies were since he only hung out with a small group of people, he paused and faced her when he heard his name. Narrowing his forest green eyes, he surveyed her appearance and Blanche internally cursed herself for wearing sweatpants and putting her hair into something that resembled more of a bird's nest than a ponytail instead of wearing something more professional. His face, which was rather obnoxious and seemed to beg her to punch it, was scrunched up in a sneer as he crossed his arms. "Next time, get out of the way. I hate slow walkers and people who stand in the goddamn doorways," he drawled. "If you weren't an idiot, Clements, it wouldn't have happened. Now go sit with your blood traitor friends or something, mutt."

As he called her that blasted word and waved his large hand in dismissal, the fire in her soul only grew bigger as she felt herself lose control of her anger. That was one of the things she hated about Nott: he was good at latching onto people's insecurities like a leech after analyzing them and he made sure to use them to his benefit if they got on his bad side. For Blanche, it was her ancestry. When she arrived at Hogwarts, it wasn't long until people found out she didn't know who her biological parents were. And, of course, Nott, being the manipulative, blood prejudiced snake he is, took advantage of her insecurity.

One thing everyone should know about Blanche Clements: don't cross her fury unless you want to get scorched.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" she spat out, her voice echoing throughout the car. Multiple people ended their conversations and were now focused on the scene unfolding in the narrow walkway. The chatter from the students was gone and replaced with tension as they watched the two enemies argue. Blanche's hand moved towards her wand, which was buried in her sweatpants pocket, and Nott did the same.

Right as she was about to pull her wand out and curse him so hard Merlin could feel it from his grave, a soft hand grabbed her forearm and a voice whispered from behind her, "Blanche, don't do it. He's not worth it."

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