~Rodrick Heffley~Diary Of A Wimpy Kid~

Start from the beginning

I'll send you my love on a wire

Lift you up, every time

Everyone, ooh

Pulls away, ooh

From you

Your band kept playing, while you lightly swayed your hips, and danced slightly, keeping it appropriate. Your eyes caught Rodricks, and you simply smirked, winking. Everyone by now jumped up, cheering and dancing to the music, causing a big smile to take over your face.

Got balls of steel

Got an automobile

For a minimum wage

Got real estate

I'm buying it all up in outer space

Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend

You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick, the past again

The heat of the lights started getting to everyone, sweat slowly covering your head, but you wiped your head, and took the mich off the stand. You usually always do this whenever you perform, you walk around to your bandmates singing and dancing with them. You went over to Daniel, backs up against each other while you both sang into the mic during the hook, dancing around.

I'll send you my love on a wire

Lift you up, every time

Next up was Benny, you both looked straight into each other's eyes singing into the mic, banging your head to the music like idiots.

Everyone, ooh

Pulls away, ooh

You finished with Phoenix, leaning over his shoulder singing the best you could with you back hunched.

It's a mechanical bull, the number one

You'll take a ride from anyone

But you then went back to the front mic, placing it back in the holder. You kept dancing, moving your shoulders to the beat.

Everyone wants a ride

Pulls away, ooh from you

You finished with your shoulders and arms moving in sync with the continuing beat, and once the final note was played, everyone in the band stood up and bowed.

"Foxtails Out!" Phoenix yelled, causing the whole band to burst out laughing so hard. You all waved running off the stage, spinning around like the idiot highschools you were. Rowley and Greg were waiting for you at the side of the stage, so right as you ran off, the two boys attacked you with hugs. You smiled widely, and squatted so your were just a little bit shorter than them, but in reality when you took your heels off you were (same height/much taller/shorter) compared to the boys. But when you stood up again you noticed another band getting ready, while Phoenix and Benny tried to look scary and intimidating. You excused yourself from the 7th graders, and smacked your bandmates on the back of the head. With a quick whistle, your whole group was ready to go meet the other band. You recognized one of them, but only faintly, they looked like Greg, but at the same time, they didn't look alike at all. But that boy seemed to be arguing with a blonde haired boy. Your whole band walked over to the other group with your shoulders and head high.

"Hey!" You said, ignoring the anxious twist in your stomach. You have no clue how you became the leader of the group with your anxiety.

"Oh hi there pretty little lady." The older blonde said, eyes lingering on a specific part of your chest. You scoffed, and Phoenix growled inhumanly.

"Hey dude, back off, you're old enough to be her father." The brown haired boy who was talking with him earlier said. You smiled lightly at the gesture and ruffled, the obviously taller, Phoenix's hair. He calmed down immediately. Phoenix was like an insanely overly protective brother to you, and you were like his baby sister. No one messes with you, without getting hurt by Phoenix. Phoenix moved with you because his parents left him, so your family took him in. So he literally was like a brother. He mouthed a quick 'thanks' to the boy who stood up for you.

"So you're new in town." A younger boy with blonde hair that hid under a beanie and glasses that hid under his hair.

"I guess you could say that." You laughed lightly.

"So why were you hugging Rodricks brother, and his weird best friend?" A guy with brown streaked hair asked, smiling quite stupidly in your opinion.

"His weird best friend is my cousin, so I would watch your mouth, Blödmann." You grumbled in German. Phoenix laughed slightly, before you elbowed his gut. The boy who offended your family furrowed his eyebrows, but rolled his eyes and went back to tuning his guitar.

"Mische dich, und spiele nett." You told Phoenix, that was another plus one about the both of you. You both took German classes and you grew up in Germany for 7 years so it was easy for him to catch on in highschool, and with your help. The older blood by now was talking to a boy with drum sticks, and Greg's mother. The boy who you assumed was Rodrick was playing with his drumsticks.

"Um, Hi you were really good." He smiled, probably now knowing not to get you mad, you practically had a guard if something bad happens.

"Thank you, and thanks for earlier." You smiled.

"No problem, I'm Rodrick." He said smiling lightly. You smiled, he is not normally like this, I can tell. He is probably just scared of Phoenix, you thought, but you still like how nice he was, most guys gauked over your appearance or were just jerks.

"My name is y/n, I'm Rowleys cousin, but you probably already knew that, and that's why I was hugging your brother. I know him because of my cousin, I swear I don't just hug random kids. I'm rambling aren't I? I am so sorry." You laughed putting your hands over your now blushed face.

"Don't worry about it, it's cute. I gotta go play, but we should hang out sometime." Rodrick said smiling wickedly and winking, there it was. More of the real Rodrick. He began to walk past you, but you grabbed his arm.

"Hey Rodrick, before you go." You said, leaning upwards toward the dark haired boy's face, planting a kiss on his cheek. A blush and awkward smile painted his face. You took a quick observance of his facial features from so close to his face. He also had black eyes liner decorating his eyes, they were a dark intoxicating honey color. You ruffled his hair and whispered into his ear.

"Good luck." When you pulled away you winked, and walked over toward the younger boys again, who were waiting for you so they could go to the audience again. Rodrick watched you leave, pumped his fist, but then shyly ran to stage when he saw Phoenix glare. The last thought you had before Löded Diaper began to play was,

Maybe Ohio won't be that bad. 

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