"Welcome to our sweet shop" Yuri greeted them beaming.
"Hey Yuri" They greeted her.

"I didn't expect to see you guys today" Yuri expressed not leaving the smile on her face.

"Well we were kinda bored and thought of coming here. We don't regret it. It's so fun to be in highschool again" Hendery said smiling back at her.

"Hope you enjoy the carnival along with us. And what would you like to have?" Yuri asked.

After going through the menu for a while they decided on cupcakes. They even tried to ask Mark what he wanted but he was busy with haechan. So they decided to order cupcakes for him too.

"4 cupcakes will do!" Xiaojun ordered.

"It will arrive in 5 minutes" Yuri said while leaving to get their orders.

Renjun volunteered to serve the cupcakes to the 'customers'. He was only met with loud conversations between four '99 line friends.

"Keep your volume down guys. At this rate, you will scare away all our customers" Renjun said, keeping down his tray.

"But, we are also your customers, Huang Renjun" Hendery said while rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. Eat soon and leave already" He teased them. Though they were just his friend's brother's friends, he got close with everyone and they treated Renjun just like their small yet scary brother.

"We should have went to the café first" Xiaojun said pouting a bit.

"Jeno wouldn't have treated us like this" Hendery, being the drama queen he is, added with an extra pout.

Lucas didn't give any shit about their conversation and grabbed his chocolate cupcake and started chewing it, being an unbothered king.

Just then Sewoo came in and halted after seeing four handsome men.

"Uh... Renjun, Yuri was looking for you" Sewoo informed.

"Ohh... Who is she? Your new friend? I have never seen her before" Lucas asked.

"She is my soulmate, hyung" Renjun stated making xiaojun choke on his cupcake, Hendery immediately grabbed a glass of water and offered to his friend.

At the same time, Sewoo was just shocked that Renjun introduced her as 'his soulmate'. She didn't even knew whether she deserved a man like renjun in her life.

Despite of being so shocked, she managed to give a small smile to the elder boys and offered a handshake to them, "Hello, I am Sewoo, Renjun's soulmate"

"I am Hendery"
"Lucas here"

"Renjun why didn't you say that you got a damn soulmate? Like we never knew?" Hendery asked curiously.

Renjun looked down nervously while saying, "It's a bit complicated, I will explain it to you later"

The boys didn't want to pressure him so they just left it and started concentrating on the cupcakes and some drinks that Renjun and Yuri decided to add for their 'customers' .

After a few hours, they were practically no customer around their shop. So, they decided to rest for a bit. Yuri and Haechan left to hang out with their soulmates for a while, leaving Sewoo and Renjun in a awkward silence.

The couple were currently cleaning the left out tables, when sewoo cleared her throat to gain her soulmate's attention.

"Back then, you...introduced me as your soulmate to your friends" Sewoo started.

"I just said the fact, sewoo. You really are my soulmate right?" Renjun coolly shrugged.

"You really don't know how much that meant to me. Like, I don't even know whether I deserve a person like you. After all the mistakes I have done, you chose not to hate me. Even after hurting your friend, you just didn't-" Sewoo ranted almost sobbing.

"Hey hey, relax. I know that I didn't really like you at the first. Scratch that, I really hated you. But, now things have changed. I wasn't really happy when I knew that you were my soulmate. But, I decided to give you a chance because everyone needs a second chance in their life. But, now I really happy that you are my soulmate. Not everyone would change immediately. But, you started to change for me. You even became friends with Yuri and Yangyang whom you used to bully. To be honest, I don't really deserve a soulmate like you" Renjun said while pulling her into a hug.

Sewoo was just taken aback by the sudden physical contact. She didn't know what to do. Sighing, Renjun grabbed her hands and tied it around his neck.

"We complete each other, Sewoo" Renjun whispered into her ears.


Why is this becoming a renjun fic? Lol🌚

Anyways, I was just wondering why on hell did I decide to write chenle as Yangyang's brother and lucas as Haechan's brother.
I really cringeeee at my own stuff! 💀

What else should I add in this book? Drop your suggestions pleaseeeeeee!

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