34 - Hat Trick

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"Now it's my turn to hide and you seek," Grace said.

"I'm afraid playtime's over. Though, you can still use that nose of your to hunt mushrooms. Enough to sell at market tomorrow. Do you think you can do that?" Grace nodded, "Ready for not, here come," Jefferson said.

 Do you think you can do that?" Grace nodded, "Ready for not, here come," Jefferson said

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Jefferson and Grace made their way back to their house and they saw the Evil Queen's carried parked outside

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Jefferson and Grace made their way back to their house and they saw the Evil Queen's carried parked outside.

"Wait," Jefferson said as they stopped walking.

"Whose carriage is that?" Grace asked.

"The Queen's," Jefferson said.

"In our house? Do you know her?" Grace asked.

"Of course not," He crouched down, "Now, listen carefully. Hey. I want you to say hidden in the woods. Like our game. I'm going to find out what she's doing here," Jefferson said.

Grace nodded and ran off into the woods and Jefferson walked into the house where the Evil Queen was waiting for him.

The Evil Queen looked at him, "I'd like to say you're looking well, Jefferson, but I'd be lying. Poverty doesn't suit you," The Evil Queen said.

"What are you doing here, Regina?" Jefferson asked.

"I have a job for you," The Evil Queen said.

"I don't do that anymore," Jefferson said.

"Yes, I heard you hung up your hat. Why? Is it because of your sweet daughter Grace?" The Evil Queen asked.

"Because of my work, she lost her mother. I don't want her to lose her father, too," Jefferson said.

"So, now you're foraging for fungus. What kind of future does your daughter have here with you? Do this one last favour for me, and you can give her the life she deserves," The Evil Queen said.

Saviours [OUAT || Double Swan Series #1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora