Chapter 18: Insanity

Comincia dall'inizio

I am what you made me. So do you not want revenge for you mother's death?

I paused. She continued.

You do, don't you? She pressed and chuckled darkly.

I sighed in my mind. Yes, I still do.

I knew it. Well, the ship we're currently on has both of the Jedi we've been pursuing. Let's wake up and kill them, shall we?

I started giving in to her, to the insanity, once again. The crazy feeling took over me like diving in water, refreshing and cool. I started to giggle insanely as my eyes opened just a crack, and I peeked around.

A Wookie, Solo, and another man were sitting at what I believed to be a holochess table. Rey was unconscious next to Solo.

What are you waiting for?! My other side asked. They're right there! Kill them!

I will, but I'm also outnumbered three to one. And one is a Wookie. And they have a Jedi.

The Jedi will be busy trying to protect the girl. Move slowly, around the back. Take out the Wookie first.

Shouldn't I take out the Jedi first?



I slowly started to inch my way across the floor of the Millennium Falcon, hoping they would be too preoccupied to notice.

I'd made it maybe two feet, but Solo turned around, staring straight at me. I had dropped back into the same position I'd been in, and feigned unconsciousness. As I predicted, he was too preoccupied to realize I'd moved.

I resumed my inching.

When I eventually got to the back, I started my search for my lightsaber. Reaching out in the Force, I sensed my kyber crystal in a travel pack. I noiselessly crept over and dug out the weapon. It hummed darkly in my hand.

Great. You got it. Now go kill them and take your revenge!

You're so impatient. I'm going.
Ben's POV

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts and concern, I felt a disturbance close to me. On pure reflex, I ducked, taking Poe and Chewie with me, just in time to see a red lightsaber swing in an arc right where our necks would've been.

Ezaina yelled in frustration, and leapt over the couch, ready to end our lives with a single stroke. I Force-pushed her away from us. She hit the ceiling and fell to the floor with a pained grunt.

I pulled my lightsabers to me, and ran around the bench to fight her. She was still on the ground, and in my anger at her, I crossed my sabers in an X, putting them at her throat. She stared down at them, terror in her eyes. But as she slowly looked up at me, her eyes lost the frightened gleam, and she started to laugh, giggling insanely and uncontrollably.

"Do it," she whispered, grinning. "It only takes one stroke."

She noticed my hesitation. "You can't do it, can you? I knew you wouldn't." She laughed harder. She had scars like Rey's. "The mighty Kylo Ren. He can kill his master and all the Knights of Ren but can't bring himself to kill the Sith who nearly killed his girlfriend." She shook her head with mock disappointment.

"You're completely insane," I spat.

She cocked her head, a contemplating expression forming on her pale face. "I prefer the word... Creative." Then she burst out into more giggles.

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