•~I love you forever~•

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*・゜゚・*:....:**:.. ..:*・゜゚・*:.

"Tell me you love me and hold me tight, because i know, only then everything will be fine..."

'Asshole, I Am dOiNg ThIs FoR tHe SaKe Of LoVe.' I was so pissed at him at that moment. 'I have to figure out exactly where i am.' I began thinking for clues. 'I felt a pain in my neck when i woke up and still do, there is a big chance he hit my neck to knock me out, possibly with something. Given that i got knocked out because of that, a hit on the neck can keep me unconcious for at most around an hour. The nearest gas station from where i got knocked out is around 3km's. He possibly chose that one, to avoid me waking up earlier then expected. The only thing left to do is, leaving this shithole. He might keep Ryuk here to guard me, since i can't see him no more, i don't know where he is. But from what i've learned so far, is that Ryuk isn't the type of person or Shinigami to listen to Light.' I also checked for cameras, luckily there weren't any.

I sat there for hours, waiting for Light to come back, so that i can steal his phone or anything sharp to cut the rope. Suddenly an idea popped in my head. 'What if i break the leg of this chair, he'll come' I started kicking the leg and it broke. It made a loud sound and i fell over. I started calling for Light, ''Light, the leg broke, help me!'' He came ''Are you okay? How did this happen?'' He said half running as he was sort of panicked and concerned.

''It suddenly fell off, Possibly happened when you kicked the chair.'' I said ''Oh, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to kick it, i was just pissed. Can you forgive me my love?'' ''I don't know" I answered. I didn't say anything he wanted to hear, he could've gotten suspicious. "I'd have to get you a new one, can you wait for me?" He asked "Sure" I said and he left.

I made sure he left and picked out the phone i stole from his pocket. 'Stupid asshole.' I thought. I dialed L's number and he picked up immidiately. "L?" "Y/N, where are you? I was concerned." "Light kidnapped me, but don't worry i'm okay. I think i figured out where i am." I said in a whisper tone. "That bastard, where are you? I swear if he did something to you." "Don't worry, i'm fine. You know that gas station near the cemetery? I think i'm somewhere near. I have to go before he comes. Love you." "Love you too and be careful" "I will." I said and closed.

I deleted the call history and slid the phone across the room so that he would think it fell from his pocket. A few minutes later Light barged in. "You bitch, you took my phone, didn't you?" His loud footsteps approaching me "What are you talking about? How could i get your phone?" "DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW! NOW, GIVE IT BACK!" He said "I don't have it." He stopped in front of me and started kicking me in the stomach. I winced in pain "I-i don't h-have it." He stopped and searched me. "Oh... Well, sorry about that." He kissed my forehead and walked away. I heard him stop "Oh, here it is. I must've dropped it when i panicked. I'm truly sorry my dear, i promise i'll make it up to you. Just wait a few minutes, i'll aslo bring the chair.

He walked out the door leaving me on the floor tied to the chair. 'I hope L comes before Light's so called, make up thing' A few minutes later i heard the door open. the person started walking, 'This isn't Light. Those aren't his footsteps.' It was Misa "Oh look at you, tied up hopelessly. Light is now mine and you can't take him away from me anymore. We make a great team, we are unstoppable." The door opened again "Shut up Misa and i'm not yours. Do you even know the reason i kidnapped her?" She huffed and said "Whatever, i'll be leaving now. I have an errand to run." She left as Light approached me with the chair in his hands.

He put the chair next to me "I have to knock you out again, or who knows, you might run away." "I won't Light, i promise you. You can put me on the chair right after you untie me, then i won't be able to run away." I said hoping he'd say yes. "Fine, but only beacause you're irresistible." He untied me and placed me on the chair. He tied me up again "I'll bring this chair outside, wait for me i'll make up to you when i come back." He left with the broken chair 'L, where are you?'

Light came back after a few minutes. "Now it's finally time. I've been waiting to do this for years." He came closer to me and put both of his hands on each side of my cheeks. He came closer to me and started kissing me. I didn't kiss back and tried to stop him. He just kept going. Then he went down on my neck and started kissing me there. He moaned and started sucking me. "Light please stop "Oh i won't." He said and continued. I tried kicking him, but he just kept going. He pulled away and looked at me with a smirk on his face. He took his shirt off and continued on what he was doing.

A tear escaped my eyes 'L, where are you?' I questioned to myself again. He kneeled down and smirked again he started taking my pants off. "Light, please stop, i beg you! I don't want this, please i-" Someone barged in, i looked and so did Light. 'L' I said to myself "YOU ASSHOLE!" He ran towards Light, a bunch of police behind him. He started punching his face. You could see the rage on his face and in his actions. A policeman tried stopping him by pulling him away, but L was just too pissed that he was just powerless against him. Light dropped on the floor and L kicked him in response. Two more policeman helped and they finally managed to pull him away. "Mr. L, please calm down" One of the police said.

I looked at Light on the floor, he was covered in blood. L stood in front of me and looked me in the eyes. I could see his eyes shaking. "I-i'm sorry Y-Y/N" He said, he was shaking. "It's not your fault, don't worry, i'm okay." L started untying me as the policemen took Light. I got up, my legs were shaking. L hugged me tightly. I heard him crying this made me cry too. "Again, i-i'm sorry Y/N. I-i should've b-been besides y-you." "L, as i said, don't worry. It's not your fault." "But how wouldn't i-i be w-worried, that b-bastard t-touched you." "I'm okay L, now that you're with me, i'm fine" He tightened his grip and pulled me closer if possible.

"I love you forever..."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚*:.~1220 words~

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