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Julie's POV

It took everything in me to turn around fully.

Three boys were laying on my mom's studio floor. They were grumbling to themselves and dusting their clothes off when one of them looked at me. He had shaggy hair and was wearing a gray flannel sweater thing that looked super outdated. His eyebrows were knitted together, causing lines in his forehead and his mouth was curled up in disgust.

"What the hell did you do?" He asked aggressively as he started moving towards me.

I tried to back up as much as I could but, to my demise, my back was met with a wall.

"I-I didn't do anything, I swear. My name is Julie. Th-this is my home." I stuttered, trying to avoid his glare.

"Bullshit, this is our studio. I know your lying and I don't like liars. So I'm gonna ask you again, who the hell are you and what did you do?" He said.

What did I do? What is this kid even saying? I knew I should have locked the door behind me.

"Luke chill, alright? She obviously has no clue what you're talking about. You got her pressed up against the wall bro, just calm down." The blonde one said. Luke backed away but his furious face stayed the same.

"Oh so it's just a coincidence that we get locked in there for hours, then suddenly we end up back in my garage and a stranger is here?  How can you be so sure she has nothing to do with that Alex?" Luke spits.

"How can you be so sure she does? Instead of pressing her like some high school bully, how about you ask." The blonde one, who I assumed is Alex, said.

"She's like twelve, I doubt she had anything to do with that." The last boy said. He was wearing a leather jacket. If I wasn't in the situation that I was in at the moment, I would have complimented it. 

"Actually I'm sixteen thank you very much," I said somehow managing to find my voice again. "and when you are finished with your little conference over there, maybe you could explain who the hell you are and why you broke into my mom's studio."

This seemed to anger Luke even more and by the look on the other two's faces, that was something I would not want to do.

"Are you stupid? I thought I told you that this was my garage." Luke said with his voice rising again. "Look see, there's my couch and there's my.....wait. That is not my six-string. Are those fairy lights?"

"Who are you?" I asked again, more sternly.

"Um well, I'm Alex," Alex said. "that one right there," He motioned to leather-jacket-boy "that's Reggie, and the one that is going to take a chill pill is Luke." He finished giving Luke a look.

"We're actually in a band called Sunset Curve, tell your friends," Reggie added with a smile.

"That's weird because I found your CD and played it and then you guys showed up," I remembered. "So what, did you guys hear your song and decide to break in and attack me?" I said emphasizing that last bit while staring at Luke.

"No, all I remember is us in that scary room and then it felt like I was falling and when I opened my eyes, I was here," Alex explained.

"Scary room?" I asked.

"We don't know what it was or how we got there, all I know is that we were eating street dogs and the next second we were in this room and I felt cold and my muscles were aching," Luke said. "Reggie was coughing up blood and Alex was crying. It was so dark, empty, and quiet, but not the good kind of quiet. Like we were waiting for something, something bad and that's when the screams started."

"Wait, screams?" I interrupted.

"Yes, screams," Luke answered before taking a deep breath. "We could hear our loved ones, I could hear my mom. It was like she was right there. She was calling out for me but I couldn't find her, I couldn't see anything. She was crying, I- I need to find her and make sure she's okay."

"I'm sorry, that sounds terrible. Do you think it was a bad dream? Maybe you could have fallen asleep, I have no clue what 'street dogs' are but they don't sound safe to me. Maybe you guys got drugged and wandered your way into here." I said hopefully. That was the only explanation that made sense.

"I don't feel high, just empty," Reggie said.

"I don't know and I don't care at the moment. I just want to find my mom, I wanna make sure she's alright." Luke said, walking to the garage door.

"Woah, um guys?" Luke said in a strange tone.

We all walked towards him, I was still super skeptical about the whole thing so I kept a few feet between them.

That's when I saw Luke's hand through the doorknob.

Not on it, through it.

I looked at him with wide eyes and my jaw hanging. This can't be possible. Am I the one on drugs? I knew Carlos's cookies tasted weird.

"That- that can't happen. This isn't happening. Only ghosts can do that stuff and you didn't...we didn't..." Alex trailed off.

The boys all looked at each other.

"Are we dead?"

Hi! So if you guys had any suggestions or thing you'd want to happen please comment them! Thank you!!

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