Atlas had unsheathed a small throwing knife, he aimed at his target, and once it got close enough, he threw it. The knife had been thrown into the neck of one of the horses pulling the wagon, it immediately started to panic and went out of control, causing the other horse to panic as well. The driver lost full control of the wagon, the wagon was going to stray from the road and fall from the cliff that the road was built on. as the horses steered towards the cliff the magician reacted quickly and grabbed the driver, runes appeared on their hands. The wagon driver and the magician were sent floating into the air, they levitated for a couple of seconds before safely descending onto the ground.

The wagon fell down the cliff and into the rocks the lake had below. The driver and the magician were panting, obviously shaken by the crash. "Now's my chance" Atlas thought to himself as he dropped down from the tree, he swiftly ran to the edge of the cliff, he made sure to jump as far as he could, as to not meet the same fate the horses and the carriage did.

The wind was rushing against him, he had soon plunged into the water only barely missing the rocks. He quickly started to swim upwards and to the rocks where the destroyed vehicle lay. He stood on top of the rocks and breathed heavily "Oh tletototl... that was close.." he muttered to himself. He hurried to the wreckage and started rummaging around for anything that could look powerful.

He pushed aside any average looking weapons, threw spare parts out of the way, and put any coins he found in his pouch. He found a small box, it was highly decorated with golden designs such as stars or the moon. As he reached to touch it, a small jolt of electricity jumped from the box and shocked him. "Yow!" he shook his hand in pain, he looked around for anything he could wrap around his hands to use as makeshift gloves. He was certain that the 'power' was in this box, why else would it be guarded with magic?

He started to rummage around for anything that could insulate his hands. He couldn't find any pieces of fabric or leather anywhere. "There's nothing.. I finally found the thing I've been looking for the past twelve moons.. and I can't even get to it."Atlas groaned, he started pacing back and forth, his anger building up.

"SCREW IT ALL!" He yelled out. The box started to rattle, but Atlas didn't notice this for his vision was filled with rage. In a fit of rage he kicked the box. The box was kicked a couple of meters away, it got stuck between two rocks and it became partially submerged in water. It's rattling became more intense. He winced "I didn't break it right?" he slowly went over the rocks and to the box. He crouched and tried to touch it. The rattling suddenly stopped, Click. "I-it opened?" He stopped himself from touching the box again. "Well.. I guess I'll come back tomorrow with some clot-"

The box suddenly opened up, and a yellow orb was in it. Carefully having cushion to ensure that the orb wouldn't break. "It's just an orb... not even a grimoire" he said in disappointment.

He looked away for a moment. Crunch. Sudden pain shot up his right arm. His head quickly snapped to look at his arm. A head of a black dragon with yellow markings was clamped down on his arm. It seemed to come from the same box that the orb was in. "H-how?" He said in disbelief, completely ignoring the pain of the dragon's teeth sinking into his arm. "I thought the dragons went extinct a year ag-" he was interrupted with the pain suddenly hitting him. He tried not to scream out so that nobody would find him rummaging through the broken carriage.

Atlas buried his head into his left arm and let out a stifled yell. He managed to keep himself from screaming out loud, he turned his attention back to the creature gnawing on his arm as if it were a dog chewing on a bone. Atlas instinctively pulled out his dagger and started to stab at the head in an attempt to have it let go. The dagger's tip barely left scratches on it's head, the head became more agitated and growled.

Fall Of The Dragons (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now