{3}Coming To Senses

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George is in his head for the first part since he's still passed out.
Just so y'all don't get confused :)

George woke up in a school hallway. His eyes flinched just as before. He bursts his eyes open to see Brandon stand before him.

Brandon. Looking ruthless and menacing as ever. His brown eyes were like a blood bath. Dark brown with red. He had red hair as well. Red just like red leaves falling from a tree in fall. Seemed a little to perfect to match his eyes. Freckles littered his face in a unorganized fashion. He was built just like a jock. No he wasn't built like one. He was one. He wore a baggy sweatshirt, black and blue, along he wore a pair of grey sweatpants littered with speckles of George's blood. He was pale, with a sharp look in his eyes with a smirk slapped across his face.

George was backed up against the light blue lockers that were in a semi pattern across the white bricked walls of the school. His backpack laid next to him, partially open with a notebook spilling out of it. There was no one else in the hallway, only him and George. The clock in the background was the only thing keeping it from being deathly quiet.

In the corner of his eye he saw a tutor walk by. George lashed out, waving his arms in the air, screaming at the top of his lungs making his throat raw. He didn't care. He just had to be saved by this horrible, fowl person that kept him pinned to the lockers with his foot.

The Tutor stopped. He looked George and what was happening. Yes this could be George's help, the way he gets out of this mess. George's hopes and desires shattered as the tutor just turned around and walked the other way. He heard Brandon snicker above him.

George was alone. Right..alone..... he had no one to help him. It seemed like that was everything in his life. Every "friend" and person he enjoyed talking to. They just abandoned or betrayed him. George felt like a knife got stabbed through his heart many many times, more then he can count. The reason why it was hard to trust anyone, almost impossible. It was always a absurd idea to let anyone in to George. He couldn't ever trust anyone. Trust was not a thing. Everyone wanted to somehow someway betray and backstab George until he gave up. Everyone wanted to manipulate him.

Many time George felt like giving up, to discharge all hit thoughts and feeling away, to just evade everything. He needed it to stop, just for it to stop. Why did he ever stay in the first place? Think, think, think- right! It was Dream and Sapnap. They were there for him no matter what. Why did he even let them in and how. Dream gained his trust that's how, took a lengthy amount of time to gain George's confidence and trust. No matter how many times George tried pushing him away, Dream didn't take it, he kept trying he never gave up. So once Dream got his trust, George trusted that Sapnap was a good fellow too. Which wasn't wrong. Sapnap could be sassy and annoying from time to time but over all he was a really great friend.

George snapped out of thought whenever he got grabbed by the collar of his hoodie. He was raised to his legs and slammed against the lockers, making a loud metallic clap. He yelped.

"Your so weak it disgusts me" Brandon followed by spitting on George's face.

George blinked back his foggy and blurry vision as it wasn't all so clear. Soon it wasn't Brandon standing in front of him, if was Chris.

"Your pathetic no wonder no one wants to be around you"

George at that very second turned into a sweaty panic and began to thrust his limbs everywhere just trying to escape Chris's grasp. Of course he was put to a holt since Chris is much stronger then George. George never felt so small.

Chris's hand raised and turned into a hard fist like a rock above George's face. George's squeezed his eyes shut waiting for the fist to enter his soul and knock him down again, but the fist never came.

Soon Dream was standing in front of him along with Sapnap. The dirty blonde moved the hair out of George's eyes, Sapnap stepping a little closer. George's face reddens as they both come really close to George. Soon Sapnap was holding onto one side of his waist as Dream holds the other, interlocking their hands in the pivots of his hips. Soon each of them start doing their own thing. Sapnap brushing the side of George's face with his hand, moving it slowly over his cheek, almost like petting him. Sapnap lips are slowly parted as he moves in closer to kiss his neck. Soon one kiss becomes multiple all over George's neck, leaving different spots of red and blue across his neck. While this was going on with Sapnap, dream was Doing something a little better. As they both pinned George's against to the wall lightly, Dream was running his hand over George's stomach, soon inching his hand under his shirt and up near his ribs. Dream slowly pressed his body closer to George, resting his head in the crook of George's neck as he continued to cress his stomach, making George shiver on touch.

George just let it happen. He wasn't complaining. Why did it feel so good and wrong at the same time? Both Sapnap and Dream were beautiful... handsome.....Godlike.

They soon were both getting more and more aggressive until it was a full making out session with George showing nothing more than taking the embrace and love coming from them both.

Dreams leg brushed up slowly up George's thigh on accident making George moan. Shit why did he moan. Dream and Sapnaps face went a flush pink as they thought it was adorable. George grabbed the back of their heads, onto their heads lightly giving them kisses back and forth and Dream and Sapnap repeated it back to George. All of a sudden out of the blue the both stopped and pushed George into the locker. Him falling to the floor once again. George whimpered in pain as his spin collided with the lockers doors. George looked up to see what happened as he was Chris and Brandon there again....

"Gay freak" George's eyes started to tear up and he wiped them away sniffling.  Their right, he is a freak. Sapnap and Dream wouldn't feel the same at all towards him like he does to them. But maybe they did, maybe he had a small chance, a chance for him to gain THEIR trust this time. And that was a chance he was willing to take.

George thrusted his arms forward as if trying to hit something. His head remanded down looking at the floor while his eyes were squeezed shut. "STOP" George yelled with all the power in his lungs.

Soon he was falling. Nothing surrounded him as he fell, just black nothingness. Soon he started to hear remarks and sayings towards him as he fell.



"Die already"

"Fucked up colorblind mess"

"Gay Freak"

George lost all his confidence at that very moments. Remembering all the things that were said to his face or behind his back, it hurt bad. George just shut his eyes as he fell and let tears fly up into the air above him as he fell.

He was such a failure, a loser, a mistake....
George woke up in a jolt in the hospital. He was hooked up to IVs and other medical equipment he didn't know the name for. He tried to sit up, sending a current of pain through the entire back of his head and neck. He flipped back down and looked towards the chairs.

Sapnap and Dream salting there asleep in the leather, dark brown chairs. Sapnaps head was leaned up against dreams shoulder as he has both arms crossed.

George chuckled then yawned. He gazed at the ceiling, imaging stars in its place, pretending to count them. Thank god, just a dream.

Soon he began to feel his eyes become heavy and full as they slowly commence to lower down. He shuts his eyes and goes back to sleep once again.

I want them. All I want is them. It's so wrong but right at the same time, he needed them and he loved them.

Thanks to everyone for reading this!! Hope you guys enjoyed!
I know it's not the best and I'm trying to get better at writing :D

Love y'all, try and get sleep and if you need any help or support, please tell me and I'll try my best talk to you!

Love y'all! <3

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