Small Revenge

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Twill's P.O.V.

This was not a pleasant experience. Really. The situation in its entirety had been bad, but this was possibly the worst thing that had happened to me yet.

 I was chained, with my hands behind my back, to a wall. Lined up amongst many other girls. Some of the others were trying to free themselves, jerking on the restraints in a futile attempt to pull them from the stone wall in which they resided. I had taken one look at the chains before they had been attatched to my wrists. That one glace at served its purpose. These chains would not be moved.

 Instead, I had chosen a more subtle attempt at escape. I wiggled my hands in the chains. My hands were small. I was, in general, a small person. I was trying to be discreet about it. But the "prince", who was moving down the line, was drawing ever nearer. I already hated him. He had yet to find one girl that met with his approval. There was something I wanted, and unless I got my hand out of this shackle before he reached me, I wouldn't get it.

 "Any luck?" Came the small voice beside me. Lilly and I had been placed side by side, being of the same size. Sheena and Maimee, being taller by a few inches, had been escorted away. They were among those rejected by Reft. In fact, it was what I heard him say to Sheena that had made me so desperate to achieve my goal. He had passed her and announced that she was "too plain". A disgusting lie if ever I had heard one.

 "Some, but not enough to get excited about."

"Try moving your thumb closer to the middle of your palm and squeeze all your fingers together. It should make your hand thin enough to pull free."

I smiled at her. For the short time I had known her, I had come the realization that Lilly was rather clever. I did as she instructed and recieved the desired results. My hand slipped out. The distance between my other hand and the wall kept the empty shackle from hitting the wall and making any noise.

 "It worked!" I whispered to Lilly. She bit her lip to stop the smile at my triumph from shining through.

"She looks like a simpleton." The rude remark and hateful laughter reached my ears. Reft was three girls away from us. Excellent timing on his part.

"Too cowardly." Two girls.

"Too manly looking." One girl.

"Too small." That was it. Lilly was next.

Reft looked her up and down. She began shaking. She looked at me, terror in her green eyes. I nodded my head in reasurrance, wiggling my arm to remind her of my plan. She nodded.

"Too trembly." He said dissmisively, reffering to her shaking body.

He stood before me now, looking me up and down, like he had Lilly. I looked him in the eye.

"Too plain." He stepped to the side, looking at the next girl. My mouth fell open in shock. I knew I wasn't delicately lovely like Kailia was, but I was not plain. Lilly's elbow nudged mine, bringing my mind back to the realization that if I did not act quickly, I would have missed my oportunity.

"Excuse me?" My voice was polite, but loud enough to regain his attention.

"Yes?" He sounded annoyed, if slightly bored.

"I just have something I'd like to say in my own defence, if you'll give me a moment." I caught sight of Dair, standing with a few other men behind the "prince". Dair raised an eyebrow at me, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly as Reft stepped back in front of me. I had a feeling he suspected something.

"And that would be?"  He asked, folding his arms across his chest, a lofty look on his face.

My hand reached out and smacked that looked off his face. A look of shock took its place as my hand retracted, brushing the bothersome hair out of my face. Satisfaction like I had never known it took hold of me at having even a tiny triumph.

"Too bold would have been a better desription." I looked him in the eyes again, this time, however, a smug smirk lit my features. Thus was my small revenge.

Reft's P.O.V.

She slapped me. She actually slapped me. Somehow, in some way completely illusive to me, she had gotten her hand free. And had used it to slap me. And it had hurt. I looked back at the face I had barely glanced at. 

 Beautiful brown eyes, sparkling in triumph, looked back at me. She wasn't plain. At all. In fact, the two words I should have used to desribe her should probably have been hauntingly beautiful. Or, her suggestion.

Too bold, she had said. It sounded right. Recognition sparked. It was her. The one I remembered. Older now, but still just as lovely as the first day I laid eyes on her. The defiant smirk on her lips was a challenging one.  A challenge I intended to accept.

"What is your name?"

"Twill." Her voice was even.

"Very well, Twill." Without taking my eyes from hers I lifted my hand and snapped my fingers. Two men came from behind me and unchained her remaining wrist. "I'll have this one. Release the others where you found them."

They started to lead Twill towards the door before I stopped them. They all looked at me. I looked at Dair.

"You said she befriended two of the girls." Dair nodded and pointed to the girl that had been beside her, as well as another girl further down the line of girls.

I nodded.

"See that they are taken care of. They will be her personal maides." Dair nodded and moved to comply.

"What about Maimee?" The trembling girl asked. I looked at her, my eyebrow raised.

"The other young lady captured with them." Dair clarified. I looked to Twill, who nodded in confirmation. She looked a bit lost when confronted with this situation.

"Bring her along as well then." With that I stepped forward, waving the gaurds away from Twill, grabbing the wrist of the hand that had slapped me. I pulled her along behind me. She kept up with me at first, but after we had exited the storage rooms were the girls had been kept for the past few days, she began causing problems. Not much of a surprise. I tried to walk quickly, but she was having none of it. She moved her feet as slowly as she could manage. Frustration grew within me.

"Hurry along Twill." I said as a command.

 She stopped walking entirely. I turned and looked at her. Her pretty features were set in determined defiance, anger glittering in her eyes.

 "If you're going to be my princess, then you'de better learn to start acting like one." I growled at her through gritted teeth. Her eyebrows raised. She sat down. On the floor she sat, her legs crossed over one another, her hand still gripped in mine.

Have it your way, then.

I hauled her up suddenly. Before she could speak a single word, I had flung her over my shoulder and continued on my way at a brisk pace. Her screams of outrage made me smile. This was my small revenge for the slap. 


Oooooh! Bet you didn't know Twill would have a history with Reft huh? Well... ya know it's.... it's sort of a history. Okay well then. Please comment or vote or fan or something. Reading your comments make my day. Also, I'm gonna start making the chapters longer if I can. Kay that's all I guess. 

Stay incredible,


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