Abused Chapter Two

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Lyle's P.O.V.

Ha that's the first time i've gotten a reaction out of her, this year should be fun

, He thought to himself. I could feel her hand print on my cheek starting to show, it was worth it she tasted wonderful for a human. I smiled at my buddies and the smirked, "Dude why do you always mess with her. She's human and worse she stinks like werewolf" One of them grunted and I smiled. "She is fun to mess with and plus she looks like a vampire so I can get away with bringing her into a party with out drawing to much attention" I smiled and the chuckled. But on the inside I was worried, I could smell the injuries on her and the caked on cover up. She even yelped in pain when I grabbed her shoulder I could feel the heat of the injuries on there god did that dumb were beat her? I glared and walked over to the dumb werewolf who was making out with a wererabbit.

"Hey wolf-boy quit sucking each others faces for a moment" I said and he broke apart from her glaring at me. Our coven and the weres had a very stable truce but that didn't mean we had to like each other. "What leech?" He asked growling his eyes going slanted. "I just wanna know if you're the one beating Gothic Polly she had a bunch of cover up caked on and I could feel the heat coming of her shoulder injury" I said leaning against my hummer which was parked beside his camaro. He looked surprised "She had more injuries?" he asked hugging the werebunny closer to him. "Dumb-ass I thought you were her friend?" I asked shaking my head and walking away. To my first period which I just happen to have with Gothic Polly and The dumb were. Fun.

Dawn's P.O.V.

I walked into class with my shoulder throbbing again, damn that jock he squeezed it to hard. I winced when Genny rammed into my shoulder but I kept my face blank. " Oh my gosh I'm like so sorry"She squealed and ran to her desk. We had assigned seats and I looked at the chart joy I was stuck between Jock one and Axel. Dammit all I hate this class already. I moaned to myself and walked to my seat and I pulled up my hoad and turned on my IPod and I started sketching the dress I had started on last night. I loved drawing clothing designs and I have actually made a couple of them myself. It was sort of an Emo style dress with ripped fishnets.

I had a blank faced figurine modeling the dress and I traced the corset over to make it darker. Then I felt a pair of eyes on me and I looked up and I saw Lyle and Axel both staring at my shoulder. "What are you two staring at" I growled quietly. "You have a big...." Lyle trailed off and I looked at my shoulder where they were staring. I had forgotten about it and had taken off my jacket letting the big bruise show since i was wearing a tank top over my skinny jeans, I let out a sigh and I pulled my hoody back on. "What the fuck happened Dawn!" Axel yelled making everyone even the teacher turn to look at him.

"Nothing happened Axel now just shut the hell up" I hissed and Lyle glared at me. "Bruises like that don't happen because of nothing Dawn" He said angriley and staring accusingly towards Axel. "Don't look at me Leech I wouldn't touch Dawn in any way shape or form" He growled and I felt my eyes narrow in anger and I picked up my bag. "Screw this" I said and walked out. "Ms.Dawn get back here this instant or I will call you parents right now" Mr.Kele yelled and I flipped him off with out even looking back. Ben and Angel will let me go work at Hot Topic full time it will bring in more money, I thought to myself as I walked back to my apartment. "Dawn what the fuck are you doing here isn't there school today?" Ben asked as I walked in.

"I am quitting school, I want to drop out and work full time it will bring in more money" I said and he looked thoughtful and he stood up. "Come on then. Let's go to the school and get the paper work to have you officially dropped out" He said happily. I knew why he was letting me do this but I felt like he cared for a minute. We drove to the School and Mr.Kele was in the office with the Principal. "You brought her back" The principal said in surprise. "I want the paperwork to have my daughter a legal drop out. She wants to work full time and I'll let her so give me the paper work" Ben said in his lawyer voice. Yeah he used to be a lawyer before my mom left on my third birthday. They argued for almost an hour about how it would hurt my chances for a good job if I dropped out and blah blah blah.

I sat in the chair outside the office and soon I had idiot one and idiot two in my face again. "Dammit can you two just leave me alone" I sighed as I looked up at their pissed off faces. "No I won't you can't drop out Dawn its wrong" Axel growled at me and I narrowed my eyes at him. "I can do what ever the hell I want" I hissed and he seemed taken aback. Five years and we never have had a fight this was the first time we have ever been angry at each other. "You think you can ignore me for three months for some girl you just met and think a couple days before school you can call me up like nothing ever happened" I said glaring him down "But-" He started but I cut him off.

"And what you said in first hour, I wouldn't touch Dawn in anyway shape or form, bull you slept with me last year Axel, we have been kissing since freshman year. And yeah I know you never loved me or had feelings for me but that fucking hurt worse than anything I've been through in 15 years. I finished and Lyle looked pretty happy that Axel got told off."And you, you call me names. Freaking mess with me all the time, and won't let me have one friggin minute of peace. I'm tired of you both so just go the fuck away" I yelled at them and they both looked like puppies that had just gotten spanked. I took out my lip rings and I gave them back to Axel and I ignored them both until they both drifted off with the hurt faces still in place.

Ben came out with a satisfied face about an hour later with Mr.kele and the principal looking defeated. I smiled and jumped up "I'm out of this hell hole?" I asked excitedly. He nodded and i jumped up and down in happiness, "I'm gonna walk to the mall to tell my boss I can work full time is that alright Dad?" I asked. Yes i called him dad to his face ha its not really a choice. I smiled and ran out of there my black and white hair flying out behind me.

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