Chapter 1

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Teya hurried to her next class, her textbooks clutched in her arms. Her plaid skirt brushed over her knees. 

"Gross," she thought, looking down at the disgusting private school uniform. 

The bell rang and she muttered a profanity.

"Language!" Sister Judith yelled after her, "Meet me in the chapel after your class for your detention." 

Teya *internally* cursed at that and continued hurrying to her class. She was near running, but as it was against the rules (and she didn't dare get another detention with Satan herself).

The large wooden door creaked when she opened it, and she stepped into her religion class. All of the girls looked over at her, and she stood there like a deer in headlights. 

Sister Bathsheba looked her over and with a frown demanded why she was late for class. Teya couldn't tell her the truth--that her friend needed something rather desperately. 

"My locker wouldn't open."

"Hmm. Well, I guess you are going to have to get that fixed, huh? Don't be late again, or else." 

Teya hurried to her seat and let out a breath. She opened her textbook to the page 666 and started reading about Paganism. 

Martha, one of the girls in her class who she despised, coughed and raised her hand. Sister Bathsheba pointed at her to speak. 

"What was the name of their God?" 

Sister Bathsheba did not look too pleased with this question but answered it anyway, "Thursday. This is why we do not use the word for the fifth day of the week."

Teya was intrigued and wanted to learn more about this "Thursday". The picture in the book was so interesting. He was dressed in plaid, and was the only one she had ever seen that looked quite dashing in it. 

For the rest of the class Teya sat and daydreamed about this pagan god. The bell rang and she jolted up, out of her trance. Unfortunately, she was not done for the day like the rest of the students. She still had to go to the chapel with Sister Judith. 

Not wanting to anger the "woman" any more she set off towards the chapel. She hated this part of the building. It was dark and slightly damp. Nothing like what a sanctuary should feel like. 

She walked into the old chapel and saw that the sister hadn't arrived yet. The light was dim, only being let in through the old stained glass windows. Teya sat down in a pew and waited for the nun to arrive. 

She had waited twenty minutes when Sister Judith finally arrived. 

"On your knees, now girl. You are going to pray for forgiveness."

Teya brought down the cushions and kneeled, closing her eyes. But it was not God she prayed to. It was Thursday. 

"Dear Thursday *was whispered in fear of the nun* please grant me forgiveness for my sins. It was wrong of me, and even worse I was late for the most important class of the day. Oh, please forgive me, and make me worthy of my plaid skirt. I know I haven't really appreciated it in the past, but the photo of you really changed my mind. I will wear my skirt with pride."

She continued praying until the nun bade her to get up. 

"I hope you've learned your lesson. You may go now."

Teya rushed out of the room and down a hallway. She quickly got lost. Weird, since she had attended this school for a few years at that point. 

The hallway was dark and the only door she could see was a white one, at the end of the hall. She looked around, and saw nobody, so she walked towards the door and was surprised to find it unlocked. It was just a storage room, filled with chairs and boxes. On the wall was a crucifix, but it was hanging upside-down. 

Teya gently closed the door behind her and tried to find a light. She had no luck, and since there were no windows the room was pitch black. She felt around for the doorknob but couldn't find it. A feeling of dread settled in her belly as she continued to struggle to find it. 

Finally her fingers caught on the handle and she wrenched the door open. But it wasn't the same door. Instead it seemed she was in a boiler room. For some reason there was some light in the room, even with no windows. She quietly walked into the room and jumped when the door slammed shut behind her. She ran over and found it was locked. She was stuck. 

She continued to try and find a way out. There was another door on the other side of the boiler room and she opened the door to see if it was a way out. It was a temple. Not a chapel like the one she had been kneeling in earlier, but an actual temple. There were statues lining the walls, each in brave poses. And in the middle was a large snake like figure. 

Suddenly a celestial spotlight shone on the figure. 


"Yes, darling, it is I!"

Teya was shocked. What did she do to receive a visit from this celestial being? 

"Oh no my darling, don't think about that. You haven't done anything. No, I have been keeping an eye on you since before you were born." 

He could read her mind?

"Why have you been watching me?" Teya asked.

The ancient being looked at her and gave her a simple answer, "Because you are the one."

This did nothing to help Teya, and she continued to drown in her confusion. 

"The one for what?"

He ignored this question and instead asked her, "What do you know about me, Teya?"

She gulped. 

"I know you are a pagan god, and that you wear plaid. You did some unforgivable things, according to the nuns."

He chuckled, a deep sound, echoing around the room. 

"I do not wear plaid. My skin in plaid. I am naked, as I should be. And what unforgivable things did I do? I allowed for women to find their true loves?"

Teya gasped and looked down, "I am afraid I don't know what you're talking about." 

"I am the God of the Gays and Theys. Funny enough, I mostly acquire Bisexual women as my priestesses. They seem to just really like plaid." 

"G-god of the homosexuals?"

"Don't call them that. You are one of them."

"I am what?!"

He looked at her with knowing eyes and said, "Yes, this is your gay awakening. Every Lesbian gets one from me."

"Do you watch them all from birth as well?"

"No, only you. You see, my mother died almost two thousand years ago, but she was reincarnated. As you." 


"Yes, you are the one truly wise one, destined to defeat the onion man once and for all. You are an adventurer. You dive deep into truly exotic worlds."

"I-- I'm honored." Tia gasped, tears running down her face.

"I name you now, mother; the Goblin Queen!"

Teya transformed then, into her true self. Her ears stretched, and many piercings appeared. Her hair turned into a lovely mullet-thing. Winged eyeliner was drawn on her eyes, and her lips were painted red. Her clothes changed into a black turtle neck, and truly gorgeous army-ish pants that looked really cool. Her blazer turned into a cloak-coat. Combat boots lifted her high. 

And around her neck, was Thursday.  

Teya meets God and becomes a motherWhere stories live. Discover now