The Ducks? - Racetrack Higgins

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a.n - this is for ScatterBrain52 , i hope you enjoy this :) sorry it's so short. thank you so much for the tips! forever indebted to you and your magnificent works.
I walked grudingly through the market, my mind nagging at the thought of spending more money. I had just gotten off of my night shift at the hospital. Ever since I had left to live on my own, it had been hard to make due with my wage.

I gathered up my composure and started bundling my purchases together, keeping track of my spendings. My eye caught onto a colorful sight, and I turned my head to see a stand of flowers. I quickly shook the sight out of my mind after reminding myself of the necessities.

As I walked through the market, my mind kept wondering to the beautiful stand, and it didn't help that I passed said stand multiple times throughout my trip. I could not shake the fanatsy of a bountiful bouquet of flowers on top of my kitchen table out of my head. Perhaps it was at the fault of my late shift the evening before, but as I pushed a small sack of potatoes into my bag, I made way to the forsaken stand.

Sniffing the many flowers available, I kept telling myself how I needed to leave before I made a rash purchase.  But the sweet perfumes smelled so nice compared to the grotesque smells of Manhatten.

"They'se nice, ain't they?" A voice next to me questioned. I nodded my head before straightening up.

I saw a man looking at me with dark brown eyes. His mouth held an unlit cigar. I watched as he transported the unassulted cigar into his pants pocket.

"The name's Anthony," he said.

I felt a blush making its way through my neck. My blue eyes fluttered slightly before I answered back, "Ann. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Ann and Anthony... sounds like a match made in heaven," he smirked.

My blue eyes crinkled into a laugh, and I covered my mouth as I giggled. I absentmindedly smoothed down my nurse uniform. I was determined not to say anything stupid to the handsome man in front of me.

"You'se work in da hospital?" He pointed toward my hat and I chuckled.

"This old thing? Oh, no. This is what I wear when I'm trying to impress random men in the market place," I smiled mischievously, hoping that what I said didn't make him think I was odd.

"Well, it's sure impressin' me," his eyes looked me up and down and the blush returned to my face once more. I had never met someone who bantered back when we spoke. They usually just looked at me, confused, and went on with talking about their accomplishments.

"Well, kind sir, where do you work?" I asked him, eager to know if we might be able to see each other again. The streets were becoming loud with children and adults alike, considering it was getting later in the morning. Carriages rode up and down the road, making it hard to pay attention to just one sound.

I kept my eyes on Anthony, though, as to make sure I did not miss anything he said.

"The ducks."

"The ducks?" I asked him, confused on what that was, "Like the animal?" Perhaps he was a veterinarian. Although, his clothes were a bit ratty to be in such a position.

He started howling with laughter. I raised an eyebrow, not understanding, before it hit me and I joined in.

"The docks!" We exclaimed in unison, which only made us laugh harder. A few shoppers looked at us, concerned as to why two grown adults were acting in such a way. But our laughs did not relinquish.

"Excuse me, but if you are not going to buy anything, please move along," said the flower stand owner. Our laughs died down into grins as Anthony placed a dime on the table.

"Some flowers for da pretty lady." He looked at me as the flower man handed Anthony a small bouquet of daises. He held them out to me and I took them in my hands, bashfully mumbling a thank you.

My blush seemed to make a third comeback as Anthony took my hand in his and kissed it. "Anything for you, Ann," he started, "Plus, considering we were made in da heavens an' all, I'm kind of obliged to buy ya' flowers anyhow."

I giggled at his words, sniffing the daisies. My kitchen table flower fantasy would come true. I raised my head up to meet his eyes. We looked at each other for a moment before blushing and looking away.

"Is there any way I can see you again?" I boldly asked. Anthony's face broke into a large smile before replying,

"Of course, jus' meet me at da ducks."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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