Chapter 1

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A loud noisy an alarm would ring on a bedside time, a groan coming from underneath the red blanket, an arm would slowly come out of the blanket. Arabella slowly pushed the blanket up as she would pick up the alarm itself before taking out the batteries for it, as she would do this almost every day. She would take a deep breath in and would exhale before standing and stumbling to the bathroom to wash up. 

It didn't take long for her to wash up and get dressed in her usual clothes, it wasn't much. A pair of boots, jeans, a black top and a long sleeve cardigan over her that was twice her size. Her black backpack was lying next to her bedroom door, she would pick it up and would walk out of the door and would head down to the kitchen, everyone's breakfast was out but hers. This was, of course, no surprise to her. Often her parents would forget that she even existed, which to her was something she was used to. As for her siblings, if her parents couldn't buy everything for them, the siblings would force her into spending all the money she had started saving up for college. All her hard-working hours for that money meant absolutely nothing to her family. 

"Sorry 'Bella' mum must have forgotten to get out breakfast for you again." a voice said from behind. It was her younger yet more popular sister Ariana. Ariana would push past her shoulder bagging her at the same time. "Oh, by the way, mum wants you to pick up new shoes for me, I'll send you the picture later 'kay?" She said to her acting snotty towards her. 

"Sorry I can't I have plans today." She said to Ariana before Ariana could respond, or complain, Arabella walked out and would start walking towards the direction of her school. Students were all filing in, at least the early birds. A majority of these were the popular kids, who were so desperate to see each especially the couples they were the worse. However, there was one kid who was different than everyone else. The one who was above the bullying. 

There he was strolling down the corridor hallways of their schools, his brown wavy hair was sticking out everywhere even that was attractive on him, his blue eyes would often dart over to her when he was talking with everyone else. She would open her locker and would start to pack her books away before grabbing her phone and would grab her earphones only to find they weren't in there. 

"Is someone looking for these?" a familiar voice rang out to her as her earphones were dangling over her in front of her face. Just as she was about to grab them, they were pulled away from her. She spun around and would see who was behind her, well now in front of her. 

"Did you eat breakfast today Ara?" He spoke to her, a nickname he only picked out for her. he was the only one she allowed him to call her that. "I did not Darian, plus it's not like I have a choice. Also just a note your girlfriend wants a pair of new shoes." Arabella said frustratingly, her arms immediately covering her chest. His face would look off into the distant. 

He knew she was struggling with Ariana, which just so happened to be his girlfriend, although Arabella made sure not to help, nor step in. As for the reason, well she didn't want to be the reason their relationship goes downhill. Especially since if she knew he was talking to her, she would get beaten up. 

He would sigh deeply. "I wish you would let me help you," he said his voice full of regret. "While that might sound a good idea to you, it really isn't. I know my sister and I know what's she capable of." She explained, he would then pull out a few breakfast bars and her favourite drink. A small smile appeared on her face, however that smiled disappeared immediately, he was confused as he was about to say something a sweet voice would come up to him. 

"Hi, Babe!" She would say excitedly slipping her hand into his, he then understood why Arabella stopped smile. Ariana would have the most unpleasant look on her face. "Snuggle lug what have I told you about hanging around defective people? They're no good for you." She would say to him as she looked up at him wearing a small pout on her gorgeous face. She then turns her face to look at Arabella as she continued. "What do you have to say for yourself? You know the rules, you are not allowed to be anywhere near me or my boyfriend, yet here you are again. Going after my man. Can't you see that you're not worth it. That he'll never want to be with you!" she says tormenting Arabella. 

Arabella just stood there looking at her. "You know what I'm tired of it. You want to know the difference between you and me? You think you're so pretty right now right? That your life is the most important and everyone should revolve around you. Guess what? You're only like this because Dad's gone and the only thing you can do to keep a man right now is keeping those legs open for them. Once you're old enough you'll be a washed-up, desperate person looking for dick because the only love you know is the love for dick." Arabella said to Ariana, everyone just stood around gasping, as for Darian he just stood there a wry chuckle escaping from him. 

Arabella then closed her locker and turned around before walking off, she would open up her drink and would take a sip, everyone just parted ways as she walked down the hallway. Ariana would just look at her walk away, she then looked up at Darian. "Are you just going to let her get away with it?" She practically squealed at him, he just rolled her eyes at her. 

"For what's it worth, every word that came out of Arabella's mouth was on spot. You may be beautiful on the outside but on the inside your fucking ugly. We're done Ariana, don't bother trying to salvage this and if you even think of trying to do something to your sister, mark my word, I will go around the whole school telling everyone what a monster you truly are." He would explain to her without even looking at her. With that said he would then walk off and would head towards classes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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