Chapter 6

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Great hall.                                                                                                                                                     Hermione's P.O.V.

1 month has past since I left the hospital wing, Pansy, Crab and Goyal where sworn to secrecy, but who knows how long that will last, but other than them Ginny is the only one that knows about me and Draco, but Harry and Ron are starting to get suspicious! And on this Friday the howl school are in the great hall at dinner and McGonagall walks up to the podium.

"As you all know, the Halloween ball is in 1 week, Friday 31st so you will all be allowed to go to Hogsmeade to get dresses and dress robes, or costumes tomorrow, plus if you want to you can bring a date.

"Wow, I can't wait! I wonder what dress I'll wear; it has to match your suit Harry" Ginny says excitedly and looks to me. "And Hermione, what are you going to wear?!!!" Ginny asks.

"I don't know, It depends on who I go with doesn't It" I say, then look at Draco without anyone noticing.

"Yeah, I guess so" Ginny says as she winks at me.

"Mine and Draco's last study session is on Saturday morning, so I'll come after that" I whisper to Ginny.

The lake.                                                                                                                                                                 Draco's P.O.V.

The next day in the morning Hermione and me are studying by the lake, then I turns to her and smile.

"What are you so happy about?" She asks as she sits down.

I smile, "Hermione, will you go to the ball with me?" I ask then give her a box.

"Yes, Yes I will" Hermione says happily then she opens the small box to find a necklace that she hold up. "Wow Draco, It's beautiful!"

"It's for the ball! Now you just have to go and get a pretty dress, I'll see you later" I say and kiss her. "Oh, and by the way I'm wherein a green suit.

"Naturally, Thank you Draco! I'll see you at the ball, then everyone will know about us, and we won't have to keep it a secret anymore!" Hermione says with a smile.

Dress shop.                                                                                                                                                    Hermione's P.O.V.

Later in Hogsmeade Ginny and I are in a dress shop.

Later in Hogsmeade Ginny and I are in a dress shop

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