Chapter 27: The Charity Golfing Match

Start from the beginning

Emma emotionally smiled, holding up to his hand. "And I Will Always Love You too, Thomas Andrew Felton." She emotionally confessed back with tears of joy on her eyes.

Tom smiled, wiping off her tears away as he kissed her lovingly for how much he'd always love Emma, deeply within his heart as Emma kissed him back for how much she'd always love Tom, deeply within her heart...

They slowly parted breathlessly within their kiss as they giggled endlessly underneath their breaths as they connected their foreheads to one another dearly.

"We should get going... Bonnie's waiting for us," She giggled.

Tom laughed, almost forgetting about today's event as they were carried away from their moment. 

"Right..." He chuckled. "Willow! come on, were leaving within 2 minutes!" He called out.

Willow immediately came in, jumping up and down excitedly around them as the couple laughed heartily at her.

Tom offered a hand making Emma oblige taking his hand happily as Willow followed behind them as they leave the front porch, walking their way towards their parked SUV. He opened the back sit for Willow to hop in as he meanwhile was trying to help out Emma...

After helping out the love of his Life. He closed both doors and made his way over the driver's side and hop in. He started the engine and they were now on their way towards the Wilson's Golfing Course.


"Agh! Its almost time! Where are they already?" Bonnie wondered frustratingly, trying contact out Tom and Emma, but their phones were hanging out busy to answer.

"Relax Bon," Dan assured sarcastically, trying to calm down her frustrating temper which was annoying him for a quite minutes already. "They just might be caught up by traffic, you know?" He explained understandably.

Just then Louis, Evanna, Mathew together with his wife, Angela came back with drinks. 

"Here?" Evanna said, handing out Dan a chilled can of Nescafe Coffee.

Dan smiled thankfully at Evanna. "Thanks,"  Raising the cold can as he sat back, opening his coffee as he drank slowly while Louis, Matthew and Angela sat beside him as they took and sip out their drinks.

"Have they arrive yet?" Evanna ask calmly, handing out Bonnie a drink.

Bonnie sighed deeply. "Nope, not yet." She replied, taking the can from Evanna's hand and opened it.

"Where's James and Oliver?" Evanna wondered.

Bonnie pointed her can directly at the. "SUV." She replied lazily, taking a sip of her drink as Evanna went over to give James and Oliver some drinks  too.


Minutes later Emma and Tom finally arrived as they parked slowly behind Bonnie's SUV.

James stood as his twin, Oliver soon followed then everybody followed, seeing the two had finally arrived at last.

 "Where were you guys?" Bonnie questionably ask, crossing her arms.

"We got stuck by early traffic," Tom dearly explained, helping out his Pregnant fiancee as Willow hop off firstly and went over to the Dan and Evanna.

"Yeah, Were very sorry about getting late, everyone." Emma apologetically explained as she hug her sorely.

Bonnie heaved a deep sighed as they parted. "Its alright Em, besides you guys are here now so... Are we ready?" Clasping her hands excitedly.

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