Chapter 3: Clutches of the Past

Start from the beginning

It's truly a powerful weapon, but... I can't help but feel pity on the wrong side.

They were humans, real humans, unlike me...

The War... What did it bring? Only destruction to both sides, as far as I can see.

There were countless airbases, ships, and tanks that I vaporized into nothing, sank, and blew up.

Only death trails my wake.

Ah... I remember...


If I'm here, and a male, it's only fitting if I call Gandr my brother, right? He might only be my prototype, but... I don't know, there's just this connection that I never knew I had.

What did he do to deserve his very untimely death?

I get that we're mere warships, tailored, made to, and only purpose is to destroy, but somehow, I can't help but feel-

Ah, there we go again.


It's... weird... but... I don't know, I don't necessarily hate it.

So many new things... I don't know which to think about first...

Wait, Captain...

Captain Frank Burlington. I-i.. Why, Captain?

I get that those bastardous Aurelians tormented us in the first place, but why? Why drag civilians into this?

They didn't do anything wrong...

I'm just a puppet. And a damn good one at that.

And for some reason... I'm half okay with that.

It's in a weapon's life to be used, right?

But on the other hand... I don't want it. I want none of it.

Again, why were there wars in the first place?

To protect? It's... a noble cause. I can get behind that.

To avenge? That... is my only purpose. But... It feels empty inside now.

To capitalize? I hate that cause. If that was the only reason I and Gandr were built, it's better to just detonate my ammunition stowage.

But for some reason, it seems like it's every war's cause.

Why? Is it in humanity's nature to do that?

I'm not innocent myself, I've taken so many, but...

That's fucking disgusting.

This new world I'm in... truly a proposition.

But why the hell am I here?

I should've died that day, as I fell into the Lenal River...

Ugh, I can still feel that bridge...

I don't know. This world... it might be my chance for redemption.

Never in hell I would pass this up.

Agh, what's that light?

It's getting brighter...

I find myself in a room, blinded from the light, my eyes trying to adjust. All that pain I felt came back, but somehow, it's...


As I run my hands through my forehead, I can feel a fibrous strip of something. That's a very bad decision, as with the next second, a sting made me wince in pain.

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