Chapter 1.

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It rained harshly that day, the sky seemed to weep along with the princesses. As the eldest, Asha, took possession of her father's Trident. Tears staining her mocha skin, her eyes a raging storm looking towards the horizon.

The palm shaped trident pulsed and surged with power as she wielded it. The winds began to blow harshly as the sea churned wildly. Her teal dreadlocks whipped around her face, the jewelry that adorned her glowed ethereally accentuating her vengeful expression.

She was now queen and had a duty to fulfill. "Never again shall the Emerald Isle be open to humans." The queen pointed her trident at the sky with tears in her eyes. It darkened at first, then a dome formed over the Isle eventually fading back into the melancholic blue sky.

A great loss was suffered that day. The entire kingdom wept over the loss of the former king and queen who gave their lives to protect them. "Isai make sure my command is heeded... No one shall speak of this day again. There shall be no mention of humans ever on the Island. Every trace of the human's existence here shall be wiped away. I will not lose another family member nor subject. I will honor my father's will... To keep the merfolk of the Emerald Isle safe." The former princess, now queen Asha, spoke firmly, fighting back tears.

The queen's loyal guard gazed upon her with compassion and admiration. She was a young woman yet assumed the throne without hesitation. The sandy skinned guard bowed to the new queen accepting her first order. His brass, crab shell armor clanked lightly from his movements.

A few dark brown dreadlocks fell on his face. "Yes my queen!" He would carry out her command without fail and would remain by her side for as long as she ruled. Queen Asha's word was law, no one spoke of the human ever again. Now that her parents were gone she would focus on keeping her little sisters safe, sheltered from the harsh reality.

She would make sure that they would be fearful of humans. Granting kindness to a human could only bring death and despair. This was just a precaution, the real solution would be the barrier she put up. If any humans sailed too close to their domain, a thick fog and terrible sea storm would swallow them whole.

Five years into her reign as queen and her kingdom thrived. They no longer felt the loss of the previous monarchs. Asha instilled a sense of confidence in the clan leaders who were primarily male by truly listening to their input and addressing any issues effectively. She was indeed her father's daughter.

Her plan to instill fear of humans into her younger sisters worked. Still... The only worry Asha had was her youngest sister, Ariadne. She was a curious and compassionate girl. Though good qualities, it could become a problem one day.

Ariadne was oblivious to the inner turmoil of her oldest sister. She knew not of her parents' tragedy or of any humans. She played with a pretty pink haired doll, dipping and swirling it around in the ocean as if the doll was swimming with her.

The makeshift bandage around a scuff on the doll's arm made of a small piece of cloth from the skirt of her dress began to slip. "Uh Oh Ms. Pearlie!" She adjusted the bandage with a smile. A bright light flashed in her eyes under the swaying waves.

The little princess's attention left from the pretty pink haired doll she was playing with, to a gold coin in the shallow water. It glinted in the sunlight brightly. She held the doll with one hand and grabbed the coin with the other. The little girl inspected the pretty coin curiously.

Asha caught this out of the corner of her eye. Before the little girl could inspect it further, she slapped the coin out of Ariadne's hand. Then grabbing the girl by the shoulders, she shook her furiously. "Do you want the greedy humans to come take you?! Foolish girl! That's a dangerous thing you picked up, nothing good can come from it! Stay away from those things! Be wary of anything that has to do with humans! They are dangerous, cruel creatures! They mean nothing to you but harm! You hear? Do you hear me Ariadne?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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