3: Professional what?

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Y/n's pov

We sped down the highway, and we soon entered the city, buildings flying past in a blur.

We had lots of fun, pointing out things and laughing (except Cameron) and Ferris even took his hands off the wheel and put them in the air a couple times, getting scolded harshly by Cameron.

Then, all of a sudden, we pulled into a random car garage.

"Not here." Cameron said as we hopped out of the car.

"What?" Ferris asked.

"We're not leaving the car here." Cameron replied, clearly. "I want it home safe where it belongs."

"Come on Cameron-" Ferris reasoned.

"No, we're not leaving it here." Cameron crossed his arms over his chest.

"Why not? What's the worst that can happen?" Sloan asked.

"It could get wrecked, stolen, scratched, ...breathed on wrong, a pigeon could shit on it, who knows!?" Cameron said, listing it off on his fingers.

Okay, now he was just being paranoid.

"It'll be fine, cam." I said to him.

"Yeah, I'll give the guy a fiver to watch it." Ferris assured.

"What guy?" Cameron asked, and out of nowhere popped a guy with shoulder length greasy hair and a tanned complexion.

To be honest, he was kind of creepy.

"Hey, how you doing?" Ferris asked, to which the man gave a slight nod.

"Do you speak English?" Ferris asked the man.

"What country do you think this is?" The man said in a slightly high pitched voice.

"Okay, now I want you to take extra special care of this car." Ferris said, handing him a crumpled five dollar bill.

"No problem." The man replied, tucking the money into his shirt pocket.

"Relax!" He said to Cameron who was still in the car.

He reluctantly got out, glaring at the man.

"Hey, trust me. I'm a professional." The man said, obviously gesturing to the fact that Cameron looked like he was going to murder him.

"Professional what?" Cameron asked rhetorically as he drove away.


We were currently on the top floor of the world's tallest building, admiring the view.

It was so peaceful.

"Ferris, you think the car's alright?" Cameron asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure." Ferris said.

"This is the world's tallest building-" Ferris started but Cameron cut him off.

"Ferris, I don't feel too good, can we leave soon?" He asked.

Ferris looked around, and then said,
"Here, climb up on this."

He stepped onto the second bar on the railing, reaching his hand out to me.

I took it, and climbed up.

"Come on, everybody." he said, as Sloan and Cameron stepped up onto the bar too.

"Ok, now lean forward up against the glass like this." He said, leaning his head onto the glass.

We all followed suit, three small thuds sounding when our heads hit the glass.

"Woah, that's amazing." I breathed quietly.

"Isn't that great?" Ferris asked me.

"The city looks so peaceful from up here." Sloan commented quietly.

"Anything is peaceful from 1,353 feet." Ferris said, matter of factly.

"I think I see my dad." Cameron said.

"We have a lot to do, now let's go." Ferris said.

"Shit. That son of a bitch is down there somewhere." Cameron said.

Word count: 535

I'm in love with an idiot (Ferris Bueller x reader)Where stories live. Discover now