Start from the beginning

Remembering that it was already beyond business hours, the bartender looked for the customer's cellphone. "Sir, where is your phone? I'll call someone to pick you up."

The man laughed maniacally. "Chang Jia Han! Stop playing me for a fool! Is your love easily replaced?! You have to divorce her. Please. Please." Tears now flowed from his half closed eyes.

At a lost, the bartender shut his mouth and looked for the man's phone. He was amazed to see that this customer's phone is a Blackberry Pearl 8100, the newest cellular phone released. Looking at this drunk, disheveled man, who would have thought that he has money?

The bartender was about to scroll through his contacts when a call came in. It says Ban Ban in the caller ID. He looked at the customer again and tsk. Looks like he's cheating.

He answered the phone and told the girl on the other line the place. After roughly 30 minutes, a petite girl came in.

The bartender felt sorry for this BanBan. She looks nice and to be cheated on can destroy her so he didn't say anything.

"Birdy." Her sweet voice sounded worried. She shook the wasted man, now snoring on the table.

The drunk Birdy now dreams. In his dream, A' Han came and took him to a hotel room. He remembered how A' Han gently touch his face, saying that everything is alright. Hearing his voice, he felt at ease.

The scene in his dream shifts to the bathroom. A' Han drags him infront of the shower. Cold water spray and soaked him to the bones. He tried escaping but he accidentally slip and fell into Chang Jia Han's embrace. Then warm, trembling lips covered his. In the dream he devoured him.

Birdy woke up with a start. His head felt someone hit him with a boulder. He slowly opened his eyes to an an familiar place.

Suddenly attacked with vivid memories, he panicked. He remembered kissing A'Han in the shower, then devouring him. He can feel a stinging pain on his back made by A' Han's claws. The room smelled of sex.

But it was impossible. Chang Jia Han should be on his honeymoon because got married a couple of weeks ago. So if he didn't have sex with A'Han, who did he fucked? A chill crawled up his spine. Slowly, as if he will see a ghost he turned around. His heart stopped beating. Lying peacefully on her side of the bed is Ban Ban.

Her shoulder blades and neck were exposed and he can see the marks he left last night. Suddenly he felt like throwing up.

Three months passed after she wronged Ban Ban. Like an asshole, he told her everything was a mistake and that they should forget about it. Ban Ban tacitly agreed and apologized. They have come to an understanding that they will bury the whole thing. So how did they end up with this wedding?

Looking at the mirror, Birdy felt like an idiot. He belittled Banban's will. Two months passed after their trysts and he came home with Banban and her parents in their living room. His father is also present and visibly not happy.

"Ahem." Birdy cleared his throat nervously. He looked at BanBan who avoided his eyes. "You're all here. Is there an occasion I don't know about?"

"Sit." Mr. Wang said tersely.

He followed the old man's order, not wanting to make a fuss.

"Is it true that you are the father of her baby?" His dad again.

"Huh? What baby?" Confusion written all over his face. Then suddenly understanding dawned on him. "Wait. Ban Ban your pregnant? How come? It was just one time!"

In truth, Banban doesn't have any plans on keeping the baby however her mom found out and pestered her into admitting who the father is.

Incredulously, he looked at everyone. How did this happen? Resolved with his fate he asked, "what do you want me to do?"

His father, forever his enemy answered, " be a man and marry her."

Preparation and arrangements were done in haste. Every one was protecting Banban's chastity but no one asked if he's okay. Even his normally cold father was excited for his grandchild.

The wedding march played in the background, the bride wearing an off shouldered, white gown, walked the aisle, her head held high. Everyone was in awed. They can see the love in the bride's eyes.

The groom was standing by the altar feeling numb. He doesn't have a best man because that man was somewhere enjoying his married life. A fake smile plastered on his face but in reality his soul wanted to run and go to that person. He wanted to apologize for breaking his promise, forgetting that, that man broke it first.

The ceremony came to an end. Everyone was in a festive mood except for the groom who was drowning himself again with liquor. As he drinks himself to death, he made another promise and that is he will try to move on and take care of his new family.

BanBan gave birth to a baby girl. Birdy looks at her and felt his heart squeezed. Beyond the baby's pinkish and wrinkled skin, anyone can see that she looks like his father.

Birdy in a spun of the moment named her Wang Po Jia using his and A' Han's name characters. Ban Ban refused at first but seeing Birdy's having a semblance of life she conceded.

As years passed, Po Jia grew up taking up to his father. At first they tried to make the marriage work. But their fights became frequent. Banban grew depressed of their relationship she often works over time or drinks outside. Until five years later she insisted on a divorce.