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I held my swollen cheeks and pouted. I didn't expect him to have good swing though. Maybe I underestimated him a bit. I took his hand and covered it with my own. "I never pegged you to be violent." I snorted.

My other cheek is now held hostage by his thumb and index finger. His brows furrowed, eyes shooting daggers. "Ish der shamshing funny? Are yshou laughing at me? Dyu really shink I'mma joke?!" His uncoherent speech made my shoulder shook really hard which fuel A 'Han more.

Like a kid, Chang Jia Han grabbed my hair. I feel like my head will separate from my body so I tried removing his fingers while apologizing. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I playfully pleaded. A'Han was relentless on his attacks. "I'm sorry!"

Chang Jia Han let go abruptly. I lost my footing and fell on my back accidentally knocking him down too. Our eyes met. Up close his eyes were a clear shade of honey. His face suddenly became serious, all the drunkenness were gone.

"Am I that repulsive?" He asked out of the blue. His voice was laced with sadness that my heart ached for him. I gave him a sincere smile. "You were never repulsive. All those years ago, you were the only ray of sunshine in my life." Damn. That was cheesy yet it felt cathartic.

"Then, why did you leave?" He pouted.

Their position was awkward. He wanted to sit down but this man-child refused to let him be.

My lack of response triggered him again I automatically shielded myself from his next attack. However his hands stop midway, as If contemplating something. Curiosity. Curiosity was written on his face. His hands burrowed on my locks as if testing how soft they were, his eyes never leaving mine.

Why do I have the feeling that our faces' got closer? The smell of alcohol on his breath made me light headed. At that moment, time stopped. The heavy body pressed on me has long been forgotten. As I drown in the depths of his eyes, his hands gently caress my hair.

Two lips became one. It was sweet and slow at first. Until Chang Jia Han became impatient and aggressive. His hand tightened on my hair, the other grabbed my face. His tongue invaded the soft crevices of my mouth. His movements were carnal and yet modest. I can feel his body burning with desire and my own trembled in response. This is way out of character. Where did the innocent A'Han go?

"Sir. Sir?" In his muddled state, he vaguely saw another man shaking him awake.

He squint, trying to identify who this asshole is. Isn't it that Chang Jia Han who broke his promise and got married? A surge of anger suddenly came up. He stood up and pushed the traitor. "YOU!"

"Hey!" The Bartender was surprised. "You need to leave! The bar is about to close!" The bartender having worked in this industry for so long knows how to handle this kind of customers. He needs to calm down but also be firm to avoid getting hit.

This customer has been here ever since they opened. He ordered the strongest alcohol they have and drowned himself.

This man is a lightweight. He got drunk after only several shots. At first his head was hung low and his shoulders shake. The bartender was not sure if the man was crying or laughing.

Then he started talking to the shot glass. He gave it a good tongue lashing.

"Liar!" He shouted. "Oath-breaker! We made a promise! You said you won't get married!" He said again followed by a gut wrenching sob.

Based on this, the bartender inferred that the man was jilted by a girlfriend or they have a YOU AND I AGAINST THE WORLD promise. So he was confused when he pushed him. Does this mean that his lover was a man?

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