Bill and Stanley looked at Eddie with sad eyes, grabbing each other's hands with passion. They wanted to go up there and comfort him but Eddie wasn't probably in the condition of wanting people nearby.

Beverly, Mike and the PE teacher had also seen it, gasping as soon as the blood hit the short boy. Beverly was about to cry: she could have avoided it but she wasn't strong enough. It had been her fault.

Right now, the only thing Eddie wanted to do was cry. Run home to his mother's arms, cry a river until he felt asleep and the day would be over. His lip started trembling and his hands shaking, so, in an act of despair, he searched for Richie's eyes.

"What the hell?" Richie shouted at the crowd.

But now, everyone was laughing. Their mouths could only express their hilarious reaction, how funny it was to laugh at Eddie. The weirdo. The loner. The quiet kid.

The Loser.

The only thing he could hear was his mother's voice, repeating in his head:

"They're going to laugh at you."

"They're going to laugh at you."

"They're going to laugh at you."

She was right. She was always right.


Henry laughed too, proud of his work.

"Freak! Freak!" he shouted, looking at Eddie covered in the blood of the pig he had killed himself.

It felt so good. So fucking satisfactory.

"Come on." Patrick grabbed Henry and dragged him away. They walked down the stairs next to the scenario and left the place, followed by Vic and Belch.


Eddie was petrified. He couldn't even move: this time, they had really humiliated him. He was nothing but a victim... all his life he had been one. But now, he was done with it.

"Eddie, come on." the PE teacher told him, walking closer to him.

But Eddie wouldn't follow anyone anymore.

Suddenly, a dangerous anger took over his body. He stretched his arm towards the teacher and pushed him with his powers, making the adult fall onto the ground.

Nobody expected such a reaction. They gasped and stepped away from Eddie, acting like was a serial killer.

'Nothing could go worse.' Stanley thought.

But he was way wrong.

The bucket fell from the place it was standing on and started to go down until it hit Richie on the head. The boy felt a sudden pain on the area and, before he could say anything, he lost control over his body.

Immediately, Eddie turned around to see him on the floor, surrounded by blood. This time, his blood.
He ran towards him and found him with dead eyes.

"Richie." he kneeled down and caressed his hair, just to find out Richie wasn't alive anymore. "Richie, no." he began to sob, feeling the tears rolling down his cheeks. "No."

Eddie looked up, trying to find where the bucket came from but he found nothing.
After all, nothing mattered now.

Richie was dead.

With his face covered in blood and tears, Eddie stood up and stared at the crowd. They had crossed a line and now, they would pay for it. All of them.

Using his powers, Eddie made the light bulbs pop and closed the doors. His pupils dilated, opening his arms and, with a shout, he created an expansive wave that made everyone and everything fall. Even Mike, Beverly, Bill and Stanley hit the ground.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now