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12 years ago

6 year old Malaysia peeked out the crack of her room door, watching her parents argue back and forth. All they ever did was argue. Her father, Charles, face was turning red from how angry he was getting. Charles was a cracked out drunk. Charles began getting closer and closer to Malaysia's mother, Shayla, as they argued. Shayla was a prostitute.

"Bitch all you do is stay out all night! I bet you out there hoeing! You out there fucking and sucking every nigga you see huh!" Charles spat.

"Of course, imma stay out all night Charles! Nobody wanna stay around your dirty drunk ass! All you fucking do is drink!" Shayla screamed back, pointing her finger in Charles' face.

"Shayla don't put your fucking finger in my face!" Charles slapped her hand away. "Bitch I'm dirty but you're the one who does heroin! On the corner selling your ass for that shit! You tried to sell your own daughter for it!" Charles pushed her out of his way.

"It's better than that cheap ass crack you do! Maliyah stupid ass wouldn't remember the shit anyways! Don't act like you didn't try to get your friend to fuck her for 20 dollars and a .5! Hope your dumbass die like your fat ass mam-" Shayla was cut off by Charles punching her in her face.

The punch was loud. Malaysia could hear something her mother's jaw crack. Malaysia couldn't bear to watch their fights. It was too brutal for her. She ran and shut her room door, running into her closet covering her ears. This is what she normally did when her parents fought.

Shayla fell to the ground holding her face. Charles kicked her once in the side before walking over to the glass table, beginning to snort a long line of the white substance on the table. Shayla picked herself up noticing Charles had his back turned.

"Bitch ass nigga ain't finna just punch me and get away with that shit." Shayla mumbled, wiping her bloody lip as she picked up a empty glass bottle that Charles had left on the floor earlier.

Shayla threw it at Charles. She was aiming for his head but missed and hit his back. That angered a freshly high Charles. He turned around with the stuck glass shards in his wife beater.

"Uh oh the crackhead is mad!" Shayla laughed. "You thought you was finna hit me and get away with huh!"

Charles angerly walked over to Shayla, before wrapping his hand around her throat and started choking her.

Shayla tried backing up but Charles just followed. They ended up with Shayla's back against the wall. Shayla tried to pull his hands off her neck but it was no point. She didn't compare to his strength, especially when he was high. Thinking quick, Shayla kicked him in his balls with as much strength as she could. Charles groaned stumbling back holding himself.

Shayla coughed as she tried to catch her breath. Realizing that Charles would recover soon, she ran into the kitchen grabbing a knife. Charles soon followed after a minute or two, except with more crack on his upper lip.

"Bitch, you think a knife can stop me!"

She did think a knife would stop him. Shayla shook in fear but she didn't have a choice but to fight. She was in too deep. Shayla ran up to him before stabbing Charles in his stomach. The adrenaline from the crack caused Charles to barely feel the wound.

"Dumb bitch!" Charles screamed, as he picked up the microwave that was on the counter, before throwing it at Shayla's head.

Shayla fell to the floor. Charles stormed over to her before grabbing her by her hair and started dragging her into the living room. With a devilish look in his eyes, he picked her up before slamming her into the glass table.

The loud crash made Malaysia jump. She quickly jumped up running into the living room. She ran into the room seeing her father repeatedly stomp on her mother. Malaysia stood frozen in fear. This was her first time actual witnessing one of their fights. Normally, she just heard them.

"Talk about my mama now bitch!" Charles laughed, throwing punches at bloodly face Shayla. "Laugh now hoe!"

Malaysia couldn't move. In her head she was screaming for him to stop but nothing came out of her mouth. When she gained the courage to move, she ran over to her father, pushing him as hard as she could.

"Stop! Get off of her!" Malaysia screamed.

"Move you, little bastard." Charles shoved Malaysia into the wall.

Charles went back over to Shayla before beginning to choke her out.

Malaysia looked at her mother, seeing the life drain out of her eyes. Quickly, Malaysia ran toward the table grabbing one of the chucks of glass off of the floor.

"I said get off of her!" Malaysia charged at her father's back, digging the glass into his back as deep as she could.

Charles fell toward onto Shaylas back groaning in pain. Malaysia stood over him and her crushed mother in fear. Charles spat on her dead body before getting up.

"Bitch, did you just stab me?" Charles inched turned her fuming. "You so damn lucky tax season is coming up. I outta kill your ass too. Fucking rat!"

"You killed her!" Malaysia screamed with tears running down her cheeks. "You killed my mommy!"

Malaysia ran over to her father and tried hitting him.

"Oh shut the hell up. Say 1 more thing and I'll kill your ass next." Charles snarled, pushing her out of his way, going into his room. "Wasn't like she liked your ass anyways. Didn't even know your name."

Malaysia stayed on the floor with her knees to her chest, staring at her mother's dead body with tears running down her face.

"He killed my mommy."

Lemme know if I should continue this💕

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