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Third Person's POV

"Since they're not giving up I guess I'll have to make them give up"

The blonde girl is tapping and customizing a doll in her screen. An old picture of her and a (H/c) haired boy in her left hand so she can mimic it perfectly.

"Just a bit more and... Done!"

The doll was complete. A perfect replica of the (H/c) haired boy in the picture. She grinned before pressing [SAVE AND BUY] on her screen.

In an instant the life-like doll materialized in front of her. The doll slowly opened its eyes and stared at her confusedly.

"Perfect. Now state your name"

The doll took a few seconds to process the order before nodding and opening its mouth.

"Hello. I am [Y/N]. I am a [TRAVELER]"

The girl criticized the movement of the doll for being too stiff. But it can't be helped since he was literally just made.

"Good. Now listen to me. You must go and kill yourself"

The doll tilted its head to the side at the girl's order.

"You mean you wish me to commit [SUICIDE]? Could you specify in what way? Would it be [DROWNING]? Or [FALLING]? [HANGING]? [BLEEDING]? Or-"

"ANYTHING! Anything is fine! As long as you're dead near Guyun forest so I could send someone there"

The doll took another few seconds to process her words before nodding.

"Orders recieved. I shall now go"

He bowed before he turned around and began walking away. The girl then remembered something and called out to the doll.

"Wait! Don't let anyone see you!"

The doll stopped and nods. He continued walking again.

"Orders recieved"

The girl grinned. Not long her boyfriends will come back to her. They won't be searching for a dead man now would they?

"Now I'll just wait for tomorrow before secretly posting a commission for someone to go look for something near Guyun.. it should be easy"

She placed her hands on her hips and smiled proudly thinking that her plan would go smoothly.

"Well time to get back now"

She summoned her teapot and entered it. Little does she know someone was watching her while gritting his teeth.

"I regretted trusting you... Next time you call my name it would be me who finishes you before anyone could"

The figure teleported away to report back to his master.

Just as Venti said the representative of the Knights of Favonius did came with a small search team. They requested help from the Milelith and was welcomed to stay. The Qixing already knew about their arrival from a letter sent by a falcon so they're prepared to have them.

"Woah! This room is spacious! Ningguang really knows how to be a good host!"

Paimon flew around the room looking at every little thing she could find in there. Kaeya chuckled watching her act like some curious child who just arrived somewhere new.

"Well if you like the room so much you can stay here while I go look for some clues"

After dropping his luggage near the bed Kaeya began walking towards the door. Paimon noticing this quickly put back the small vase on the table and followed him.

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