thirty-eight • colin unhinged

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Everyone's attention was brought to the pair, even Gregory and Hyacinth who came to a halt next to Nola, who rested her free hand on the shoulders of the youngest Bridgerton boy.

"I would like to make a small, but rather important announcement." Colin began, his eyes locking with his eldest brother. "I have happy news to impart." By the look he gave to Marina, Nola could feel the anger radiating off of Anthony, who soon recognized what was about to be said. "I have asked Miss Marina Thompson to be my wife, and she has accepted." Nola's eyes widened, as Anthony began to squeeze her hand.

He didn't even try to hide his unhappy expression, looking to Nola and questioning, "did you know about this?"

"Not a thing, my lord." The crowd erupted in applause, but the Bridgerton's all stood, dumbfounded.

Violet looked like someone had just punched her in the gut as the band resumed, and congratulating words were exchanged.

Breaking contact with his wife, Anthony moved to his mother, whispering into her ear, "did you know about it?"

She kept a smile on her face, as she responded, "people are looking, dear." Releasing a sigh, she looked to Benedict and Nola, and stated, "congratulate the happy couple."

Latching onto Benedict's arm, she followed into the center to Colin, who couldn't seem to break eye contact with her. "Congratulations, Colin." He merely nodded in her direction. How odd.


"What on earth were you thinking?" Anthony exclaimed, closing the door to his office.

"I was thinking you'd respond like this and how little I would care to hear." Colin shrugged, leaning back on the leather chair.

"Do you think this is a joke?" Anthony began, "poor mother was beside herself."

"Mother seems perfectly happy to me. She congratulated us." Nola stood in the corner uncomfortably, holding Alverie to her chest.

"So, you compromised this young lady?"

"I think we will be taking our leave," she sighed, grabbing the child blanket off the bookshelf, and exiting to the hallway, both men watching as she left the room.

"Certainly not. I am a gentleman."

"Then why ever would you-" Anthony was instantly cut off by his younger brother,

"Why does anyone marry, brother?" He tried to reason, "for love, of course."

"Look, I know you are still rather green, and that is my fault. I should've taken you to brothels when you returned from Eton. So, if this is a matter of wetting your wick-"

"You really are an ass. Do you know that? How it must feel to have everything." Colin spat.

"This is what comes of not sowing your wild oats. Proposing to the first chit you set your cap at."

"That's what happens when your brother takes the one your heart was set on!"

Anthony looked taken back, "you mean to tell me-"

"As if you didn't know." His tone was biting, as he stood up, "you knew I was interested in Nola, but of course, you had to swoop in-"

"It was an agreement-"

"Don't play that game, brother. I saw you in the garden. You compromised her. You would've had to marry her no matter what, and all because you were anxious to wet yours." Anthony was fuming, "you insult me, and you insult my intended. It is not my fault, nor Marina's that you cannot fathom true attachment,"

"Say what you wish, Colin, but do not try to claim what I cannot fathom. What I feel for Nola is way more than what you think you feel for Miss Thompson." He slammed his hands on the desk, "you are still a child, Colin."

"I'm older than Daphne, and you were happy to marry her off."

"It is not the same, and you know it."

"I know nothing of the sort." Colin argued.

"Then you betray your immaturity!"

Wanting the conversation to be over as quick as possible, Colin stated, "if I caused mother discomfort today, I am sorry for it. I shall speak with her." He promised. "The truth is, I do not require your permission to marry Miss Thompson... but I would very much prefer to have your blessing."

"Then I am afraid I must disappoint you." Anthony responded, without a beat.

"You have..." Colin nodded, reiterating what he stated earlier, "in more ways than one."

his sapphire • anthony bridgertonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin