Chapter 3: Entrance Exam

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No One POV

Izuku got out of bed and walked towards Kyle. He looked out the window and was amazed at what he saw. He saw a gorgeous landscape with lots of plants and animals. His jaw was open with stars in his eyes. "Like what you see kid?" He turned to Kyle and nodded. "It's beautiful. But... where are we?" "We are in a different world kid." Izuku was processing what he just heard. "Huh?" "We're on a different earth. In a different universe. Don't worry though. Everything is fine." "Ok. Calm down. This is all a dream. None of this is real. I'm just asleep." Kyle hit him over the head and Izuku turned to him. "Ow. What was that for?" "You felt that, didn't you? Does that prove this is real?" Izuku thought about it and then sighed. "Alrighty then, here is the deal kid. I'm gonna train you for 5 years on this planet." "HUH? 5 YEARS?" "Yep. But don't worry, five years here is equivalent to ten months on your earth. And, you won't age. Physically anyway. Actually, the only way you'll change is by getting buffer and having your hair grow. So you ready?"

Izuku was thinking once again. 'If I complete this training, I'll make it just in time for the entrance exam. Then, I'll show everyone that they were wrong. I'll show them that I can be a hero.' He looked up at Kyle and nodded. "Ok then. The first thing I want you to do is to call your ring." "Call my ring?" "Yeah. You know, your red ring. Just hold your hand out and focus. Focus on the ring obeying you." Izuku held out his hand, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. 'Come to me, my ring. I call upon you, ring. Come to me and obey my commands.' The ring all the way back on Izukus's desk began to shake. It started hovering off the ground until it flew out of the house, smashing through his window. It flew into space and out of the universe. It flew into the universe Izuku was in and slipped on his finger. He began to glow red and was in the same bodysuit as before.

"Woah." "Yep. If you focus, you can call your ring from anywhere in the multiverse." Izuku looked in a mirror and was excited. Not so much about the hair part though. Kyle spoke up interrupting his thoughts. "Each ring has a specific emotion you need to power up your ring. Because yours is red, I'm assuming you already know what emotion is required." "Anger." "Exactly. I'm going to be training you to use the ring but not be so mad all the time. Soon, you will only need to feel the slightest amount of anger and think of creation." "Wait wait wait. What do you mean creation." "Each ring color has its fair share of unique abilities. Mine is hope. I can extinguish the rage of a red lantern. Since yours is red, you can spit a sorta blood plasma out of your mouth. You can choose when to obviously. Anyway, there are more colors, but they aren't that important. Let's get to training."

Izuku POV

1 Year Timeskip

I learned how to shoot orbs of energy towards my targets. I also learned how to fly, coat my body in energy so I am safe in space, and how to make portals. I still prefer to fly though.

3 Year Timeskip

I finally learned how to create energy constructions. I also learned how to infect people with rage. Wasnt a pleasant discovery though. I was training in the woods and Kyle was just lecturing me over and over and over again. I got angry at him and roared at him. The blood plasma came out and on to him. I was scared he was gonna start melting but instead, he looked the same. I could feel the anger in him rising and his eyes were turning red. My left hand felt tingly and I looked at my palm. The plasma his face was coming off and forming into a ring. It was completely red and smooth. It flew to Kyle and almost flew on his finger until he said his lantern oath.

"In fearful day, in raging night, With strong hearts full, our souls ignite, When all seems lost in the War of Light, Look to the stars-- For hope burns bright!"

The ring was destroyed and his rage diminished. He was in his blue lantern suit and was sighing. I bowed down to the floor. "IM SORRY. IM SORRY. IM SORRY. I DIDNT KNOW THE RED LANTERNS COULD DO THAT. I JUST GOT ANNOYED. PLEASE FORGIVE ME." "Relax kid. Your rage got the best of you. That's ok. Sometimes your emotion can overtake you. Now, let's get back to training."

Rage (Red lantern user x mha)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora