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„Captain man! Behind you!" kid danger yelled from the other side of the room.

They were fighting against six thief's who were about to rob a electronic store.

Kid danger was yelling captain man, who was fighting four while kid danger tried to handle the other two. Both clearly loosing. Kid danger managed to get Hand of them at first, but when one guy pulled a baseball bat, hitting kid dangers head, he lost the control.

„Henry danger. Not that strong anymore I see." one of the thief's whispered in kid dangers ear after he fell on his knees. That's were kid danger saw his opportunity and slammed his elbow into the jaw of the man. He stumbled backwards and tripped on his buddy, letting kid danger run to captain man.
Now they both were fighting four. Two two each.

Suddenly, kid danger felt a strong bump on his head as he passed out. The man with the baseball bat stood behind him. Before captain man could do anything, he felt a stinging pain on his him. The electroshocks sent him on the ground. The thief's used zip ties and tied their hands together, face to the ground.

„Kid danger wake up." captain man whispered. He got no answer so he kicked his sidekick, waking him up.


„You were out"

„I was? Didn't think of that." he sarcastically said.

„Come on let's get up" Captain man whispered.
Captain man was already on his knees, when the mumbles of the men turned into groans and screams.

„What is happening back there?" Kid danger looked at his boss.

„No idea" they both jumped up, only to see a person running out of the room. The six thiefs were knocked out.

„One two thre four Five.....six. They are all still here" they only exchanged one look and knew what was going on.

They sprinted out, trying tic Art the person who did that.

„Charlotte!" Captain man yelled into his watch. „do you see the Security Cameras?"

„What do you think I am watching you over"

„Did you see that?"

„Yeah. What was going on?"

„We got a new hero here."

A few weeks earlier:

One more day and it is going to be y/n's first day at her new school. The swellview high is not that far from her new home, she could easily skate there.
It was 11 pm at Night, she was currently sitting on her on her bed, watching her favorite show. Toilet wars wasn't on nickflix so she watched it online.

"Dar, it is late now and I don't think you want to be late to your first day?" her mom came in. After her older brother passed away, they both left their old hometown and moved to swellview. The house has enough place for them both.

„Oh I totally lost track of time" she chuckled. „I will turn it of after this episode. Her mom walked over to her bed and sat down next to her.

„Hahaha i just watched this episode yesterday. My favorite. Alright but you'll go to sleep early okay. I know you're sixteen but when youre late to school tomorrow I will bring you to school like it did when you were ten." she laughed.

„Mom!" y/n laughed. Her mom is a police officer and she has found a job in swellview with a higher position. When y/n was ten, everytime when y/n didn't say ‚I love you too' her mom would turn the sirens on her car on and made her yell it infront of the whole school. (Reference)

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