•The kiss•

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Hey sorry I have not updated in forever!!! But this is jus going to waste fluff chapter (I will do sin next)

Marinette POV:
I sat on my roof top with my sketchbook. I tapped my pencil to my mouth trying to think of a good way to make the dress flow.
Suddenly I heard something land on my balcony.
"Yes princess?"
"I told you not to call me that!" I say poking his nose.
"I know, but I am still gonna!" I roll my eyes and see that he pulled up a chair and is now peaking over my shoulder.
"What are you making?" He asks me.
"Well there was this dance...and umm I got asked and I- I- wanted to make this dress for it..."
"Ohh a dance? Who asked you?"
"Well umm..there's this boy in my class..and I kinda maybe like him?" I saw Chats stunned face.
What did I do?
I wonder.

Chats POV:
I was shocked. I asked Mari to that dance because I wanted to go as friends! But now she says she likes me? How do I react?
I see Marinette giving me a weird look.
"Umm I like the dress, I think it's really cool!"
Suddenly I was sweating.
Mari had went back to drawing but I could tell that she was still a little confused with me.
Why am I sweating?!?
I shake it off and continue to watch her. I look at my stick and see that it is almost 1am.
"Mari you should go inside-"
"Chat what are you-?" I pick her up and carry her down to her bed. I lay her down and suddenly realize what position we are in.
I see her cheeks go red. I smile at her foolishness and bend down so I am inches from her face.

Marinettes POV:
I can feel him breathing on my cheeks.
How can I fall for Chat? I love Adrien!
"Is it to hot in here princess?" He asks, which only makes me grow even redder.
He bends down so that our foreheads touch and whispers into my ear.
"Or is that just me?" I smile at his terrible pick up line rolling my eyes.
Then I feel his lips on mine.
I can't do this...I'm with Adrien-
But it felt so right. I kiss him back and rap my legs around him.
He kisses down my neck and on to my chest. I moan as he kisses my sweet spot and rap my legs around him tighter.
He grabs my shirt and begins to pull it off but I pull away.
"Chat I can't-"
"Mari-" I look into his eyes and he smiles.
"I know. You love Adrien and I can't change that." He climbs it if the hatch and out of sight.

~the next day~

"Adrien!" I call getting his attention right before he walks into class.
"I need to talk to you, just not here" he nods and we walk into the library.
There where a few kids just leaving but other that that we where alone.
I walk over to a book case in the back holding Adriens hand.
"Adrien I need to tell you something. And- I don't want you to get mad."
"Mari what is it?"
"I- I kissed Chat noir..." I was expecting some sort of storm away or disappointed look on his face but instead he smiled.
"Adrien why are you-" he backed me into the corner of the wall, bending down so he is at eye level.
"I know you did. And it was one of the best things I ever felt."
I stood there. Stunned.
Adrien is Chat noir?
Then I felt Adrien kiss me. I kissed him back almost immediately. He pushed me against the wall and I rapped my legs around him.
Just then I heard someone walk into the library.
"AHH!" I look over and see Alya standing in-front of us.
Well...this is going to be a fun conversation!

Ok sorry this is also a kinda short chapter but I will hopefully be updating more! School has just been a pain in the ass!
Also sorry for all the grammar mistakes...

Anyway thank you for reading!
Word count: 712

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