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It was a horrible night.  A night everyone in the village wished to forget.  The night that they lost two of their greatest shinobi the Hokage Minato Namikaze, and his wife Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze.  The night Kyuubi the nine-tailed fox had attacked the village. 
        At first, it was a regular day, people opening their shops children getting ready for the academy and parents bidding them goodbye.  Everything was normal till you went to the Uzumaki-Namikaze residence.  Minato was a blond with blue eyes and had a muscular build, was wearing a pink apron dancing around the kitchen making breakfast for his wife.  His wife Kushina, was still laying asleep in their bed.  Her long red hair spread out around her like a fiery halo.  You could see that she had a very noticeable bump on her stomach, as she was expecting a baby very soon. 
          Minato had finished making breakfast and was heading to wake his beloved.  Once he made it to their room he took precautions and made sure that no kunai or shrunken was within her reach.  After that, he stood a few feet away from the bed and started clapping his hands together. 
            "Wake up love!  Its morning already and breakfast is ready."
            He continued yelling similar things to Kushina to get her awake to get her awake.  After a few minutes of this continuing, a groan was heard from the bed.  Minato instantly stopped yelling and slowly advanced towards the bed.  Once in-front of her he reached his hand out and started to shake the lump hidden under the covers.
            "Kushina!! Wake up breakfast is already done and its getting cold." Minato whined out to his wife.  Another groan was heard from under the covers and was followed by incoherent words being mumbled.  Minato sighed and grabbed the edges of the blankets and got ready to pull.
             "I'm sorry but this is the only way now."
"See, it's not that ba-" he stopped mid-way through his sentence when he saw his beloved wife glaring at him. Her hair started to levitate up and around her, he could hear her lowly growling at him. He looked at Kushina in absolute fear, petrified by her gruesome stare. Minato started to slowly back up covering himself with the blankets in his hand.
"Hey we can t-talk this o-out." he slowly whispered, stuttering slightly. Before he could understand what was happening he was pushed to the ground and felt a weight on his stomach, keeping him in place. He opened his eyes, squinting to see what was on him, and saw Kushina sitting on his stomach holding onto his shoulders keeping him there.
Kushina had her head tipped downwards so Minato couldn't see her face. She slowly started to lift her head up bit by bit until you could see her mouth. Minato could see a smirk snake it's way onto her face and started to sweat a little. He gulped in fear of what was about to happen. Instead of what he was expecting (probably getting beaten) instead Kushina just burst out laughing.
" I really scared you didn't I?" Kushina chuckled, "I thought you were supposed to be the 4th Hokage?" She giggled and continued to get off his stomach.
Minato took a deep breath and said in a nervous voice, " Totally not like you could scare me!" Kushina glared at him, he immediately looked away, and thought 'Why did I say that? I'm an idiot!' She stopped staring at him and made her way to the dining room and saw that Minato had made them breakfast. She almost felt bad for sitting on him, almost. On the counter there was a variety of foods, there was steamed rice, some grilled fish, and her personal favorite, miso soup.
" Awe, you made us breakfast!" Kushina exclaimed, then whispered to herself,
" For once it doesn't look that bad." She had normally made the breakfast until she got pregnant. Then Minato had woken up extra early so he could make it. She appreciated it, but sometimes he wasn't the best in the kitchen. He would often burn the rice, or over grill the fish. Minato walked into the kitchen and hugged his wife from behind.
" I know I'm not the best cook in the world, but I hope you like it." he consoled her because she had to eat his terrible cooking. Kushina often craved miso soup, she made it really often when he was at work. He figured this out because he came home and the house smelled of it. They ate their breakfast in silence, they had a lot of things going on lately. After a few minutes, they were done and went their separate ways.

*Time Skip*

After sitting through meetings and signing way to much paperwork Minato was finally done with the day. He arrived home quickly excited to see his love after working all day. Once he mas at the door of their house he could hear someone shuffling things around. Minato twisted the door open and saw his wife pacing back and forth. Kushina heard the door opening and snapped her head towards him and started to walk towards her husband.
"Minato! I don't know what's happening I- I felt like something was wrong and and!" before she could finish her explanation Kushina doubled over in pain.

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